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Chemical Mutagens - Chemical mutagens can be divided into two classes those mutagens which can cause mutations to both replicating and non replicating DNA, are called as class I mutagens, those chemicals, which affect replicating nucleic acids are called as class II mutagens. So, a fetus is replicating DNA alot more than we are so im assuming that there is a higher risk for cell mutations in a fetus than a grown person :S not sure....i have to answer the same question as well. right now. BAH!

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Q: Why does food dye that has been identified as a chemical mutagen poses as a greater danger for a developing fetus than for an adult?
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If you have just learned that a chemical you work with is a mutagen What effect does this chemical have?

A mutagen is a substance that can change the genetic material (DNA) of an organism, increasing the frequency of mutations. This can lead to potential harmful effects such as an increased risk of cancer or other genetic disorders in both the exposed individual and their offspring.

A what is a physical or chemical agent that causes damage to DNA?

What is a physical or chemical agent that changes the nucleotide sequence of DNA?

What is physicial or chemical agents known as that can cause mutagen?

a change in the mRNA makes a mutation of the DNA

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chemical mutagens

Is a mutagen a abnormal gene sequence?

No, a mutagen is an agent (usually a chemical) that mutates DNA. It can cause an abnormal DNA sequence in a gene or elsewhere

A physical or chemical agent that changes the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called what?

A mutagen is the term used to describe any physical or chemical agent that can alter the nucleotide sequence of DNA, leading to mutations.

Is a toxic chemical a mutagen?

ask urself All matter, gaseous, liquid or solid, are chemicals or mixtures of chemicals. By definition, a mutagen is a substance or entity that causes DNA cells to mutate. Oxygen is probably the most mutagenic chemically, which could explain why cancer rates are increasing as life expectancy increases. (Less to do with 'lifestyle choices'?)

Is diabetes a mutagen?

No. Diabetes is a condition, not a substance, and therefore cannot be a "mutagen".

What is the safest chemical?

i think the safest chemical is oxeygen Oxygen is a very powerful mutagen but, on the other hand, it's essential to human life. Yet too little or too much and it's lethal. It's not the chemical, but the dose of the chemical.

What is the most common mutagen?

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the most common mutagens. It can cause mutations in DNA by directly damaging the genetic material or by inducing the formation of thymine dimers, which can lead to errors during DNA replication. UV radiation is present in sunlight and can increase the risk of skin cancer.

When was Environmental Mutagen Society created?

Environmental Mutagen Society was created in 1969.

How do you mutate your rat in mutate the lab rat?

You have to use the Mutagen chemical on it and it will mutate. Be careful, too many doses of it will kill the lab rat!