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Q: Why does glass have a low melting pont?
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Which metal has a low melting pont?

The metal with lowest M.P is Hg (Mercury).

What is Bonded glass?

Bonded glass is a way to seal materials with an intermediate glass layer. It is used for micro machined structures and uses low melting glass.

What solid is not conductive and has a low melting point?

You think probable to a glass.

Why is the mercury used as a thermometric substance?

Its High boiling pointIts low melting pointIt does not stick any glass

Why do we recycle soda lime glass?

The making of soda lime glass is expensive to compare then recycle sodalime glass . Main component for making soda lime glass is silica. for melting silica required toomuch temperature & other component which soda lime glass required are also much expansive. but recycled soda lime glass required low temperature for melting to shape it again at low cost . so we recycle soda lime glass. (

Does gold have a high melting pont?

Yes, its 1,948 degrees fahrenheit and 1,064 degrees celcius

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Do the halogens have a high or low melting points?

They have low melting points and high reactivity.

Naphthalene has high or low melting point?

low melting point

Determination of melting pont of ice and the boiling point of water?

At standard pressure: - Melting point of ice: 0 0C - Boiling point of water: 100 0C

What must the melting point of the mold be compared to the temperature at which glass gets soft and why?

The melting point of the mold must be higher than the melting point of glass, or else it would not be able to hold the soft glass in the correct shape.

What must the melting point of the mold be compared to temperature at which glass get soft why?

The melting point of the mold must be higher than the melting point of glass, or else it would not be able to hold the soft glass in the correct shape.