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Because if it burns near chemicals it cant be made into stuff

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Q: Why does gold not usually make compounds?
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What compounds are gold in?

There is gold oxide, Au2O3 But gold usually does not form compounds

Why doesn't gold usually make compounds?

Gold can make a compound, but it only reacts with a small number of chemicals that are not normally found in nature.

How many compounds are in gold?

gold is a pure substance = no compounds - Au

What are the common compounds gold forms?

Gold does not form compounds very readily. Most known gold compounds are Gold oxide, chloride, thiosulphate double: Gold potassium cyanide, gold ammonium sulphite. The compounds decompose very readily at low temperatures.

How do you make transparant glass?

By adding gold or copper and selenium compounds to melted glass.

What are compounds that contain the element gold?

Compounds of Gold are often called Auric compounds and for a list see the related link.

What compounds is gold made of?

Gold is an element, not a compond. It is not made of anything, although many compounds are made from gold.

What are compounds A sugar B salt C gold D water?

All but gold are compounds, gold being an element.

Does gold form compounds?

Although gold is unreactive, it forms many compounds with a range of oxidation states.

What compounds make up jewelry?

Jewlerry is mostly elements, gold, silver.... Yet diamonds are compounds made with a lot of carbon, mostly found in coal...

What are facts and common compounds of gold?

The interesting fact is that gold is rather unreactive and forms very few compounds.

2 examples of elements or compounds used to make jewelry?

The elements and compounds generally used for creating Jewellery are precious metals, such as: Gold Copper And alot more ...