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By Newton's Second Law: force = mass x acceleration, or acceleration = force / mass. Since there is a force, there should be an acceleration - a change of velocity.

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Q: Why does gravity make falling objects fall faster?
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How does gravity affect objects falling to the ground?

gravity is what makes objects fall

What happens to a falling object when the of air resistance the force of gravity?

Falling objects increase their speed as they fall, because their weight (the force of gravity) pulls them to Earth. ... Objects fall faster until they reach their terminal speed, which is reached when the upward (air resistance) and downward (weight)forcesare equal.

How does acceleration affect falling objects?

As objects fall, they are accelerated by the force of gravity, which causes them to continually fall faster, until they either reach the ground, or until they reach what is known as terminal velocity, which is the speed at which air resistance is equal to the force of gravity, so that the falling object does not accelerate any more.

What was Aristotle's theory about gravity?

Aristotle did not have a specific theory of gravity as we understand it today. He believed in the natural motion of objects toward their natural place in the universe (e.g., heavier objects falling towards Earth, and lighter objects rising). His view was different from the modern understanding of gravity as a force of attraction between objects with mass.

How objects fall on Earth and on the moon?

Objects fall faster to the earth, then compared to the moon, it is due to the different power of gravity on the the earth and moon.

How does gravity affect objects falling at the same time?

Two objects falling at the same time will fall with the same speed (assuming they both have similar shape and density)

How is gravity different for objects that freely fall down and those thrown upwards?

The gravity acting on a rising object and that on a falling object are the same when these objects are at the same height. What is different is that a rising object is decelerating by the force of gravity and the falling object is accelerating.

What is the effect of gravity - on the motion of falling objects - that are not inhibited by air resistance?

All objects, under these conditions, will accelerate at the same rate as they fall. (Note: Just the fact that you can call it a "falling" object is one of the effects of gravity.)

How do falling objects behave?

Falling objects behave in such a way that heavier objects will fall faster than the lighter ones. Try to drop a stone and a feather from the same height and at the same time, the stone will fall to the ground first.

What was Aristotle's belief regarding falling objects with different masses?

More massive objects fall faster than less massive objects.

What is the meaning of Free Falling?

Let's imagine there is no air resistance and that gravity is the only thing affecting a falling object. Such an object would then be in free fall. Freely falling objects are affected only by gravity

What causes object to fall?

gravity causes objects to fall