

Why does hair grow when it is dead?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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9y ago

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An individual hair begins under the skin in the root of hair sap called dermal papilla on whose top hair cells are produced. As the hair is pushed upward it "dies," and becomes a hard substance called keratin.
hair is dead once it has been released from the follicle under your scalp, it would be very painful if it wasnt every time you had it cut! When you pull a hair out it hurts, that is because the follicle is living tissue and all the time the hair is connected to it if it is tugged you will feel it. It is also a myth that cutting hair regularly makes it grow faster, how can cutting the end of something dead increase the growth of what comes out of the top???

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9y ago
  • Good question! The simple answer is that the hair we see on our head is indeed dead, however, it developed within hair follicles beneath the scalp that are very much alive. Each hair is nourished by blood vessels at the base of the follicle, however, by the time it pushes through the scalp, it has dislodged from its blood supply rendering it dead.
  • Individual hairs are randomly growing, resting and shedding on our heads at any given time. They are in 1 of 3 stages of their growth cycle: anagen, catagen and telogen. The complete cycle can last for years and is mostly determined by genetics.
  • The first stage (anagen) is the active phase of growth where the new hair is formed as dividing cells are nourished from the papilla at the base of the follicle. As the new hair grows, it pushes a previous hair that has dislodged from the bulb, up and out of the follicle. This phase can last anywhere from 2 to 7 years (mostly determined by genetics) and is the deciding factor of how long hair will grow before it falls out.
  • In the second stage (catagen) the hair follicle detaches from the papilla, its source of nourishment. This transitional phase can last about 10 to 20 days.
  • The third stage (telogen) is a resting phase. The follicle is dormant, for 1 to 4 months while cells lining the follicle are renewed. New growth begins again as the anagen phase starts over and the mature hair is shed.
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If hair is dead why does it grow does it or not?

it does grow.

Your hair is trimed will your hair grow back?

Normally yes, but if you happen to be dead at the time of the trimming of the hair then as long as you're dead, your hair will not grow back.

Is hair follicle dead?

No. Hair is dead. Hair follicles are the only alive part of the hair. They're what grow and contribute their dead cells to hair growth.

Does hair grow faster of you cut it?

It doesn't necessarily grow faster, but it does grow healthier. Instead of growing dead ends, its grow stronger hair.

Does your hair still grow even when its dead?

No. Nor does it grow when you are dead, although this has long been a myth; that hair continues to grow after death when really, it is merely the skin and flesh that is shrinking creating the illusion of hair growth.When a hair dies, it usually falls out.

Does your hair still grow after your dead?

no but it stays intact.

What parts of your body grow when you are dead?

nails and hair!

Does your hair grow if you cut it?

the hair on your head will still grow, but the hair you cut off from your head will not. Hair is just dead skin cells, so when it isn't attached to something feeding it more cells, it will not grow

How can you make your hair grow faster after a bad haircut?

Sorry, but you just can't make your hair grow faster. Hair is made up of dead cells.

Can a man hair grow when he is dead?

No. Old fable that hair and nails keep growing, They don't.

Does your hair grow after your dead?

No , Your systems stop working when you die . your hair or beard may seem to grow after death, but that is because of shrinkage of the skin.

Does cuting hair make it grow faster?

i think it does... by cutting your hair you are getting rid of all the damaged and split ends... which are dead weight on your head... by getting rid of the dead hair you are enabling the healthy hair to breathe and by breathing, they can grow freely without any hinderances.