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Because as you get older you start losing your colors, like your skin color and stuff like that.

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Q: Why does hair turn white after a certain age?
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Is it possible for human hair to turn white with age only to return to its original color without dye days later?

human hair black to white after the age factor and loss of pigment of hair

Does pubic hair turn gray with age?

Yes, it is possible for pubic hair to turn gray with age, just like hair on the scalp. This is due to a decrease in melanin production, causing the hair to lose its pigment and appear gray or white.

Can you change your hair colour besides dieying it?

You can change your hair color by getting older, because your hair cells will die as you age and your hair will turn white.

Why does your white hair turn yellow?

White hair can turn yellow because of many factors. Well water with a low pH factor; leaching from copper plumbing pipes; certain medications; clorine in swimming pool water; and age. Please check with your physician about any medications you ar taking and use one of the whitening shampoos and conditioner. They are usually purple.

How do you get white hair?

by getting stress , and also by the age , if your age between 40 your going to get white hair

Why is my hair white at the age of 16?

You have white hair at age 16? See a doctor if you're serious.

What causes white hair in humans?

As we age the melinin in hair diminishes and you go from dark to white or gray. Heredity plays a big part in how long your hair stays dark.

Why does your hair gray when you get older?

Each hair follicle contains a certain number of pigment cells. As we age the pigment cells in the hair follicles gradually die and the hair turns gray, silver, or white.

How did actor kenneth tobey become a pale blonde?

Kenneth Tobey is a natural redhead, and sometimes red hair can turn white or blonde with age, the same way other hair colors turn gray.

How do you reduce white hair?

You cant reduce white hair. but you can die it! the reasons for white hair can be stress or just old age!

What does it mean to turn 13?

To "turn" a certain age just means you have become that age.

At what age does your hair turn gray?

This totally depends. Gray hair can occur very early in life (20's) or very late in life. Some people never turn gray, but instead have white hair. However, in this day and age, you can have whatever color you want!!