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Q: Why does historians think the Trojan war happened?
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Why do historians believe the Trojan war never happened?

there was no proof of a battle where they reported it at

Why do some historians believe that the Trojan war was a myth?

What we know about the Trojan war is what Homer tells us in the 'Iliad', and Virgil in the 'Aeneid'. Some historians believe these literary works are telling about a real war, others think it is pure literature. Archeological findings are not conclusive.

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What is the Trojan war importance?

The romance of the "Trojan Horse." As years roll by, historians it seems, question the actual existence of the Trojan War, as they do the city of Troy itself.

What would have happened if the Greeks didn't win the Trojan war?

Well, for one, historians are not even sure that the Trojan war even existed. They think that they may have found the site on which the city was built, but this is just an estimated area, as there were several cities built on top.<br>However, if the war was a real one, then it is assumed that inter-Greece warring would still continue on for centuries as is what happened anyways.

What happened that made archaeologist think the Trojan war actually took place?

evidence from geographers

What happened in the a pause of the Trojan War?

They built a wooden trojan horse

What happened to acillies after the Trojan war?

Achilles was killed before the sacking of Troy, there was no "after the Trojan War" for him.

What are the reason to believe the Trojan war did accure?

The are reasons to believe to believe the trojan war happened because Kronos was sent to Tartaros.At least I think that is how is how you spell tart oh whatever!

Why did the Trojan war start according to historians?

Because Helen of Troy was taken by Paris.

What do historians think happened to the Harapan civilization?

After they won war they all been attacked by the Indian soldiers

What happened in Smyrna after the Trojan War?

It didn't exist then.