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Because they don't do anything (actions), they just talk about things (that they'd like to do or what they think but that's it)...

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1mo ago

Huck resigns from the gang because he doesn't want to be part of their violent and criminal activities anymore. He realizes that their actions go against his own sense of morality and wants to distance himself from that lifestyle.

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14y ago

Because the gang wasnt doing all of the killing and robbing that tom said that they were going to do

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12y ago

Huck is almost thrown out of Tom Sawyer's gang because what??

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Tom convinced Huck to stay with the Widow Douglas by persuading him with the idea that he could join Tom's band of robbers and play out adventurous scenarios, instead of living a boring life. Tom's presentation of a more exciting life enticed Huck to stay.

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Miss Watson yells at Huck for joining Tom Sawyer's gang because she believes it reinforces bad behavior and influences him to engage in dishonest or violent activities. She wants to instill good values in Huck and discourages him from associating with individuals who may lead him astray.

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Can you put resign in a short sentence?

I resign. I resign from student council.

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