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Q: Why does in photocpoier toner powder stick to some places on the selenium-coated drum but not to others?
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Powder Puff

Is cocoa or chocolate powder mix with milk useful for health?

some can be ready made with powder milk but others are just cocoa powder and need milk poured into them.

Where can someone purchase Isopure protein powder?

There are several places where someone can purchase Isopure protein powder. Websites such as, vitaminshoppe, zero-isopure, and supplementwarehouse, all sell Isopure protein powder.

What are the names of some fireworks compounds?

Black powder, flash powder, KP, H3, Armstrong's mix, willow, and their are others that just have generic names such as blue star #1.

How does the candy explain about the lice powder on George bunk?

The candy suggests that George has lice by mentioning the lice powder on his bunk, implying that George has been using the powder to treat a possible lice infestation. This information may serve as a warning to others to check for and treat lice if necessary.

Guy Fawkes confession of the gun powder plot?

I guy fakes admit that i was involved as well as others in the Gunpowder plot and also the group was led by Robert Catesy and many others

Is it legal to get black powder gun in the mail?

Black powder guns are not federally controlled and can be shipped by mail to you. There are a few places (mostly major cities that do restrict black powder, it is always best to check with local law enforcement first. You don't need a yard full of black suburbans and guys in jumpsuits.

Does baby powder irritate women's genitals?

There are so many kinds of baby powder and also so many people with different allergies that I'm sure it would irritate some women, and be quite soothing to others

Where can you buy chlorinated lime or bleaching powder to get rid of a mildew smell?

There are not many places to buy chlorinated lime or bleaching powder from if you want to get rid of mildew smells. The Alibaba website from China has both products available for a high cost.

Can you take goody powder while taking a suboxon?

Yeah you can take goody powder with Subs.. n also you can take BC powder as well.. n Aleve ect. Btw Aleve turbo charges the box. Makes the subs stronger to me and many others I know. It kicks the suboxone into over drive it feels like...

What objects contain alkali?

Washing up liquid, is a main one. Also, washing up powder. Im not sure of any others.

What are common sayings using the word trust?

In God we trust.....all others pay cash. Trust in God and keep your powder dry.