

Why does it get so hot on Mercury?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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It gets so hot because it is the closest planet to the sun.

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Q: Why does it get so hot on Mercury?
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Why is it so hot on mercury?

Mercury is so hot becasue it is so close to the sun.

Why does it get hot on mercury?

It gets so hot because it is the closest planet to the sun.

What is so hot that the metal is liquid?

the sun mercury is a liquid metal at room temperature so it really depends on the metal. It would depend a lot on what metal. If the metal is mercury then the surface of Planet Earth is so hot that mercury is liquid.

Why is Mercury so dryandhot?

mercury is dry and hot because it is close to the sun and it gets more sunlight

Does Mercury has a hot climate?

yes its the closest planet to the sun so yes it has a hot climate

What is the environment like on Mercury?

Mercury has no atmosphere so it is EXTREMELY hot in sunny side and EXTREMELY cold in parts of the planet

Is it too hot to live on mercury?

yes it is hot and too near to the sun so the heat would be extreme

What planets are hot?

Mercury is the hottest planet in the universe so far as we know it.

What is a very hot planet?

mercury Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System due to the fact that it has a very thick atmosphere containing hot and poisonous gas, which traps heat in. It is also the second planet from the sun. Mercury has no atmosphere, so it isn't as hot.

Why is there not any liquid on mercury?

I think it's because mercury's so close to the sun and hot that the liguid would just evaporate. :)

What is the wheather on the planet Mercury?

The weather of Mercury is burning hot!! Its very very hot!

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