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because human eyes can see very low distance.

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Q: Why does it look like a plane is not moving in the air?
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When a plane is deiced does the deicer stay on the plane or what keeps it from frezzing in the air?

basically moving very fastly forward. it moves so fast that nothing can like stick or freeze to it. get it? thanx.

Give an example of fluid friction?

A plane moving through air. Air is causing friction, A boat moving through water .Water causes friction.

What does the inside of a space station look like?

The inside of a space station look like pretty much looks like the inside of an air plane. It actually resembles the cockpit in an aircraft.

What is the force you exert on an airplane as it is flying in the air?

Weight. Also, the moving air around the plane causes friction

Is the air that travels under the plane's wing is moving faster?

No. The air that travels over the wing moves faster.

How aircraft fly?

Aircraft fly based on the principal of lift. Lift is the force that pushes a plane up. A wing is curved, which means the air flowing over the top of the wing is moving slower than the air moving under the wing. This faster moving air pushes up on the wing and the plane, making it fly.

Why does it seem that the plane is not moving in the air?

A plane flies forwards by exerting a force on the air with its wings. the air pushes back on those wings with an equal force that propels the bird forwards

How does a jet plane move in the air?

the same ways as any other plane, by moving at a high speed to create lift under its wings

You are on a fast moving plane and you throw a coin up in the air but it lands in your lap and it doesnt fly behind you does anyone know why is this so?

This is because everything onboard the plane is moving at the same speed as the plane although it may not feel like it is. Therefore if the plane is moving at X meters per second then you and the coin are moving at this speed too. Speed is relative therefore the coin will move forward the same distance as you over the same period of time so the coin will never go beind you.

Does air resistance prevent the diver from moving in a straight line once she jumps from the platform?

Since the plane is moving horizontally, the diver will also have this velocity relative to the ground, so on leaving the plane a parabolic curve will tend to be followed although this will be distorted by air resistance.

Does moving air always have more power than air is not moving?

Moving air is air that is constantly circulating in an area. Non-moving air is air that is not moving around.

Why does bird like bodies fly in the air?

See,lets look at their structures and i suppose you are relating it to air plane-they are all streamlined,so they can easily sail through and avoid air resistance..