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This is not true. It rains everywhere, just as much.

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Q: Why does it rain more in cities?
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Where is acid rain more common country towns or cities?

Nope. Acid rain can occur anywhere rain falls. Though it is probably caused by cities with high industrial pollutant output, the clouds, pollutants and water could travel anywhere before falling.

What cities are located in areas with high levels of acid rain?

Cities tend to make their own acid rain.

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Australian cities are planning to build desalination plants to get more water ready to use instead of waiting for it to rain

Does it rain acid rain in cities?

yes mainly because there is alot of power plants

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Raindrops are visible.

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India, China, and Sweden experience heavy acid rain.

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How does acid rain effect cities and towns?

yes everything

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rain is more common than rain

Does rain have acid?

most rain water happens to be very slightly acidic due to gas pollutants dissolving into it, but is doesnt really make much of a difference as such. another thing to think about is where your talking about because more industrial cities, towns etc. will tend to release more pollutants into the atmosphere and therefore have more acidic rain fall, does that answer your question? and anything else on the topic?

What northern US cities get the most days of rain?

Forks is the first.