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You see, Dallas and Two-bit. They wanted to bust a joint. Ponyboy wasn't down with this, so he had sex with a lalmingo.

jonhy tells pony to stay gold because he wants pony to fufill his life without having the title juvinile dilinquent.

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14y ago
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Johnny told Ponyboy to "stay gold", which ment, he wants Ponyboy to stay strong, move on in life and do good.

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Johnny meant 'Stay brilliant and don't get in trouble' when he said stay 'gold' to Pony.

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11y ago

if you remember the poem ponyboy said it was talking about the out side and what its about and johnny said i figuired out what it said and he said stay gold ponyboy stay gold

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12y ago

because he wants Ponyboy to keep his innocence and he knows he is better than the average hoodlum

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14y ago

To stay hopeful

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to keep being loyal to himself....

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To be safe

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What things were written in the letter from johnny?

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Johnny's note made several points.what were they?

1)He didn't mind dying for those kids.2)Pony should stay gold -- never become jaded. 3)Pony still has time to make whatever life he wants for himself. 4)There is still good in the world. "Tell Dally."

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What did Johnny mean when e told pony boy to stay gold?

Johnny meant that Ponyboy should hold onto his innocence, optimism, and compassion despite the challenges and hardships they faced. It was a reminder to stay true to himself and not let the harsh realities of the world change who he is at his core.

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The note said that he knew that the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" meant that when you're a kid, you're golden, like green. He wrote that he wasn't afraid to die anymore and that the children had more to live for than he did. Johnny also wrote that Ponyboy should tell Dally to watch a sunset.

What message does Johnny send Ponyboy?

He tells Ponyboy to stay gold. It means that no matter what you go through you have to be on the good side. You could fall hundreds of times and yet you know that some one is there catching you. But sometimes that always doesn't happen you can rot. That's just the way life is. and live it how you always lived it the same.

What does jhonny tell Ponyboy to do?

"Stay Gold" Which means stay innocent.

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Even after Johnny's death, Ponyboy is still compelled to protect Johnny, just as he did when Johnny was alive. This is why he tells Randy his intentions of telling the judge that he is the one responsible for Bob's death.

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Dally give Pony and Johnny a gun and money. He tells them to catch the freight train to Windrixville and to go to the church at the top of Jay Mountain.

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Pony Boy waking up and being in a panic because Johnny is gone could be seen as foreshadowing of Johnny's predicament. Pony Boy's thoughts were that something had already happened to Johnny on page 69 in the Outsiders.

Why did Ponyboy tell himself not to think not to remember in the book outsiders?

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