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Q: Why does lack of roughage in the diet often leads to constipation?
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What is roughage in horses?

Hay is the main source of roughage in a horse's diet.

How is diverticulitis different from colitis?

Colitis is not related to diverticulosis. Colitis is due to inflammation of the colon and diverticulosis is due to high intra luminal pressure causing diverticulum in the colon, and is caused by constipation from inadequate roughage in the diet.

What are the advantages of including fruits and vegetables in our diet?

They bring roughage, vitamins and minerals into your diet.

What is the diet of a Mustang?

The diet of a mustang consists of: roughage (bushes and leaves) grass water.

Consequences for inadequate fiber?

Not getting enough fiber in your diet can have many consequences. Low fiber leads to constipation and an increased risk of colon cancer.

Why is dietry fiber important in the diet?

The reason why fiber is an important part of every diet is because it acts as roughage which helps to keep the bowels regular. Regular bowel movements is an important feature of a healthy gut and to avoid constipation or other bowel disorders.

How is severe constipation treated?

In most cases constipation can be treated with changes in your diet and lifestyle. It's not very often that you would need medical treatment. If the changes in your diet and lifestyle don't work then you may have to try over the counter medications such as laxatives.

What is the Importance of roughage in food?

"Roughage" such as lettuce, fruits, and other fibers, are important to loosen things up in your digestive system so that you do not get constipated. That is why when you eat some fruits or vegetables you can get gas, or have to go to the bathroom more often. This is why eating fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight besides giving you more energy with out feeling weight down. Importance:Roughage helps in bowel movement thus keeping our system clean.Roughage helps the digestive system to function efficiently, by keeping texture in the waste.To prevent constipation. The advantage of including roughage into a high fiber diet is that it helps in preventing colon cancer

What nutrient provides roughage that stimulates the normal activity of your intestines?

The nutrient Niacin.

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How can I treat constipation by changing my diet?

To treat constipation by diet, the best way is to add more fiber in your diet to help bulk up the stool. Fiber can come from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

What is the advantage of fiber in the diet?

Help prevent constipation