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Plants use the light from the sun to make food for themselves. The plants are then eaten by animals, then they are eaten by other animals, etc. The sole source of energy is from the sun.

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Q: Why does life on earth require a continuous supply of energy form the sun?
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Why life on earth requires a continuous suply of energy from the sun?

It is not necessary that our life forms on planet earth require energy only from sun. Plants can photosynthesize and survive under artificial light. The only thing is we don't have an alternative source of energy.

How old is geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy is constantly being renewed from below, by heat from the interior of the Earth. The limit is on how much energy can be extracted at a continuous rate, so that there is no lapse in the supply while the rocks are reheated.

What energy that makes the earth to rotate at its axis?

An object that rotates has the tendency to continue rotating. There is no need for a continuous energy supply. In this case, the rotational energy was there from the moment that Earth formed. - Actually, to be precise, at first there was much more rotational energy; Earth's rotation has been slowing down due to tidal forces. It will continue slowing down until Earth always shows the same side to the Moon.

What would happen if earths supply of energy stopped?

If the earth's supply of energy stopped, Caveman time!

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Water will exist on earth forever because the water cycle gives a continuous supply of water.

What does Earth receives a constant supply of?

light energy

How much Supply of Geothermal Energy is Left?

There is an unlimmited supply. God has created our earth to recreate Geothermal Energy on its own.

What does the sun's energy supply the earth with?

the energy the sun gives us is called solar energy.

What is the main energy supply for earth's water cycle?

the electric generater in the center of the earth

What would likely extend the Earth's supply of a non-renewable resource?

Moving to renewable energy for electricity would extend the Earth's supply of the fossil fuel oil.

Is the sun the basic source for all food chains?

Short answer: No. There is life on Earth that does not require or use the Sun as its basic energy supplier. In deep ocean environments there are animals that use the thermal ports of underwater volcanoes to supply their energy needs.

How come water doesn't run out?

Earth's water is continuously recycled through evaporation and precipitation, so there is a continuous supply of water for use.