

Why does light travel faster that sound in the air?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Sound requires the physical motion of material. Light doesn't.

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Q: Why does light travel faster that sound in the air?
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Do sound waves or light waves travel faster?

In air, light waves travel about 871 thousand times faster than sound waves.

What does sound go faster through a vacuum or a solid?

Sound does not travel in a vacuum. It needs a medium in which to travel (unlike light) and so sound cannot travel in a vacuum. However, in a solid sound travels faster than in air.

What type of air does sound travel faster in?

Sound travels faster in moist air

Can the speed of sound travel faster than the speed of light?

No. Light in vacuum is roughly 880 thousand timesas fast as sound in air.

Does sound travel faster in the air or water?

Sound travels faster in water thanin air.

Would sound travel faster in warm air or cold air why?

The sound travel faster in warm air because the average mean speed of the molecules of air is faster in warm air than on cool air. Sound is transferred by collisions of molecules. Therefore sound waves will travel faster on warm air because collisions of molecules of air in warm air is greater.

What travels faster in air sound or light and how do you know this?

Light is faster in air than sound.

Does sound travel faster in warm or cold air and why?

sound travel faster in cold air half i give you further other person will give

Does sound travel faster in outer space or in air?

sound travels faster through a solid because the particles are right next to each other and so it is faster to vibrate whereas air particles are further apart and take longer to travel. So yes it would travel through the ground faster than air.

Will sound travel faster in solid or air?

Much faster in a solid

Does sound travel faster or slower when the air gets warmer?


Does sound travel faster in cold air or in steel?

Sound travels faster in steel than in air, regardless of temperature.