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because it probably has alot of pollen,and pollen is usually the main cause of of sinuse swelling and other issues.

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Q: Why does lithium cause sinus problems?
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Can a fractured tooth with a cavity cause sinus problems?

If it is an upper tooth, yes. That is because often the roots of the upper back teeth sit in the maxillary sinus. Any infection of those roots can result in problems with the sinus.

Can long term asbestos exposure cause chronic sinus problem?

Asbestos is associated with a number of very severe chronic health problems but chronic sinus problems is not among them.

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Where can I find information about sinus problems?

If you are looking for more information on where can you find more information about sinus problems, the best place to look is on

Could sinus cause pain only when pressed 2 inches below eye on cheek but no other sinus problems?

Sinus that cause pain is called sinusitis. Normally it occur in the maxillary sinus (your cheekbone). there are many other sinus on the skull but this is the one that usually inflamed due to its opening which is higher up at the medial nasal turbine. * Sinuses aren't supposed to cause you pain, even when they're pressed on. If they hurt when you press on them (or worse) when you don't, it could be a sign that you're sick (and the sickness is more severe if you have the pain without pushing on the sinus area).

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In health, be sure you are talking about the correct "sinus" The heart has a sinus, so please be specific about which sinus you are referring to.

Can sinus pressure cause lack of sleep?

Yes, Chronic sinus can cause sleppiness at mid after noon. Especially If you have Sphenoid sinus infection, then you will get sleepiness at afternoon and tiredness.

Can lithium cause a false positive on a pregnancy test?

Yes, lithium can cause a false pregnancy on a pregnancy test.