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Q: Why does loss of protein from the blood causes swelling of the tissues?
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Do you apply heat or ice on something swollen?

Ice - it causes tissues and blood vessels to contract - thus reducing swelling.

What is the etiology of hematomas?

A hematoma is an area of solid swelling of blood within tissues. Common causes of hematomas are trauma, infections, and brain injury.

What is the relationship between swelling and edema?

swelling = blood moving to an area due to the inflammatory response. edema= fluid leaking from the blood vessels into surrounding tissues and creating swelling that is located in the interstitial space.

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What causes swelling of ankles at age 53?

The causes of ankle swelling at age 53 can be spraining, arthritis, osteoporosis, blood issues, and reaction to coldness.

What is Angiotensin I?

It causes narrowing of the small blood vessels in tissues, resulting in an increase in blood pressure

What does edema do?

In edema, either too much fluid moves from the blood vessels into the tissues, or not enough fluid moves from the tissues back into the blood vessels. This fluid imbalance can cause mild to severe swelling

If Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Blood protein levels fall and fluid shifts to the tissues.

Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Blood protein levels fall and fluid shifts to the tissues.

What is the blood protein plays a role in maintaining osmotic pressure and water balance between blood and tissues are?


The chemical released by white blood cells and causes redness and swelling?


What is A foreign protein in the blood that causes antibodies?

An antigen.