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It is likely a nickname or a term of endearment Lyra has for Dawn that has personal meaning to them. Nicknames can symbolize closeness and create a sense of intimacy between friends.

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Q: Why does lyra call dawn dane?
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Why does lyra call dawn daing?

It's actually pronounced *Dain* and I don't know why Lyra called Dawn *Dain.* Maybe she's confused?

What episode does dawn confess to ash?

Well ash and dawn don't really confess but through episodes 612 - 616 (galactic battles) dawn, ash and brock meet Lyra and Corey. Through out this episodes Lyra is trying to get ash and dawn to confess their love for each other by asking question, saying silly things to get them embarrassed, etc. In one episode, Lyra asks dawn if ash is her boyfriend because they are trapped in a room and can't get out. Lyra carrys on about which of the three she would marry and starts saying good things about ash to try and get dawn to notice him as more than a friend. In another one of these episodes, dawn's in a contest and Lyra asks ash if he thinks dawn is the number one here, it a escapes ash's mind that Lyra is on about and ash replies, then Lyra says " that's not what i meant" Watch these episodes it really shows that dawn and ash care for each and watch the last sinoh league episode called Memories are made of bliss that shows they like each other and watch episode 510 (season 11)

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Does Lyra like Ash?

Yeah because first she tried to hook up dawn and that other guy and in the episode when they where trapped she asked dawn if ash was your boyfriend

What is a person from Denmark called?

A dane or a danish person

In the land of dead what does the harpy call Lyra?

a liar. they say liar so many times it begins to sound like lyra and liar are the same! :)

What do you call a native of denmark?

A Dane

What does Harpy call Lyra in Philip Pulman's book The Amber Spyglass?

a liar. they say it so many times that liar and lyra start to sound the same

What does the harpy call lyra in amber spyglass?

In "The Amber Spyglass," the harpy Salmakia calls Lyra "Little plaything" when their paths cross in the Land of the Dead.

How tall is Dawn Call?

Dawn Call is 5' 4".

What do you call a Great Dane?

A gentle giant.

Which girls like ash?

Misty, May, Dawn, Latias, Bianca, Anabel, Angie, and Lyra like Ash.