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Mercutio says Romeo is already dead because he believes Romeo's infatuation with Rosaline has left him lifeless and devoid of vitality and energy. Mercutio sees Romeo as being consumed by his love for Rosaline, which in turn has caused him to lose interest in life. He uses this metaphor to illustrate the extent of Romeo's emotional distress.

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Q: Why does mercutio say romeo is already dead?
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Why does mercutio deliver his Queen Mab speech?

To say romeo wont get unlucky, and wont have bad dreams.

What is something they say in Romeo and Juliet?

Mercutio says, "Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting; it is a most sharp sauce."

How do you say hang out in Elizabethan English?

In Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt accuses Mercutio "Thou consortest with Romeo". To "consort" with someone is to hang out with them. That's at least one way of saying it.

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In scene iv, Romeo's behavior shifts from being emotional and withdrawn to being lively and engaged when he teases Mercutio about his dreams and jokes with him. This change in demeanor prompts Mercutio to remark "Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo" because he recognizes that Romeo is returning to his usual sociable and witty self.

Do Benvolio and Mercutio ever meet the Nurse?

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