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Because the trojans didn't have a strong abstinence message.

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Q: Why does merryweather high change it mascot to the blue devils?
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What is Duke Universities mascot?

The Blue Devils.

What is the name of the high school in the book Speak?

It goes from Trojans-Blue Devils-Tigers-Wombats-Hornets, so in the end they are the Merryweather Hornets, yet in the movie this is different.

What college in new jersey has a blue devil as their mascot?

I believe there is Duke Blue Devils in Durham NC and Depaul Blue Demons in Chicago.

What is Davidson University's mascot?

The mascot for Duke University is a Blue Devil. It is this because during WWI the French soldiers were known as "the blue devils". They were well trained and helped break the stalemate on the French Alps.

What colar dress does merryweather wear in the movie Sleeping Beauty?

Merryweather wears blue, Flora wears pink/red, and Fauna wears green.

Why are the blue devils called the blue devils?

"Blue" for the VFW color and "Devils" after Concord's local landmark, Mt. Diablo).

Who are the blue devils?

Mount Morris School are the blue devils too

What was the mascot in the book Speak?

The mascot in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is a tree. It symbolizes Melinda's struggle to find her voice and speak up about the traumatic experience she went through.

What is the blue jays team mascot?

The blue jays mascot is Ace.

When was Hamburg Blue Devils created?

Hamburg Blue Devils was created in 1992.

What is the mascot for the Duke University?

The mascot for Duke University is the Blue Devil.

In the book speak what are the mascots names?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, the school mascots are the Trojans. The main character, Melinda, refers to them as the "Merryweather Marthas" due to their overly enthusiastic school spirit.