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The decay process needs oxygen for it to happen. The surface of the compost heap will decay faster than the material 'buried' deeper in the pile. Regular mixing of the compost ensures air gets right into the heap - speeding up the decay process.

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Q: Why does mixing a compost pile speed the process of decay?
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Do cool temperatures speed up the process of decay?

No, but hot temperatures do.

Is human excreta a fertilizer?

No, urine cannot be used as a fertiliser. However, it can be added to compost to speed up the decompostion process.

What speed up the decay of biomass?

2 factors speed up the process 1.Heat 2.The biomass is loosely packed

What makes the of decay speed up?

Factors that can speed up decay include higher temperatures, increased moisture, presence of oxygen, and the type of material being broken down. These conditions provide a more suitable environment for microorganisms to thrive, accelerating the decomposition process.

Suggest factors that determine the efficiency of mixing?

The efficiency of mixing is determined by factors such as mixing speed, mixing duration, mixing equipment design, and the viscosity of the materials being mixed. Additionally, factors like temperature, ingredient particle size, and the uniformity of the mixing process can also impact mixing efficiency. The effectiveness of mixing can vary depending on how well these factors are controlled in a given mixing process.

What makes manure decay?

It's the bacteria that is in the feces that makes it decay. Anaerobic ferments the feces which breaks it down and turns it into soil. Fly larvae also help speed the decay process, as well as the plants that the pile was dropped on and around.

Are maggots among the organisms in a compost bin?

Yes, maggots are among the organisms that may be found in compost bins. The insects in question represent a larval stage that consumes nitrogen-rich layers of compostables and recyclables and helps break down organic matter. The larvae mature into soldier flies (Stratiomyidae family) that encourage beneficial bacterial presences in compost bins.

What makes compost decay more slowly?

Conditions restrictive of macro- and micro-organism activities; inadequate levels of air, heat, light, and moisture; and infrequent turning of layers are the factors which make compost decay slower. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost needs to be aerated, moisturized to the consistency of a wrung-out sponge, and processed by beneficial bacteria and fungi. The alternating carbon- and nitrogen-rich layers require turning two or three times weekly to speed up the breakdown, whose progress will be closer to a year with bi-weekly turns.

What are the two conditions which speed up the decay of garden waste in a compost heap?

Well, there are more than two, strictly speaking, but oxygen and moisture content--although it should be understood that one can also have too much moisture.

What conditions speed up the decay of garden waste in a compost heap?

There are three main factors that speed up the process of composting. One is the use of the properly compostable materials. Second is the meeting of the appropriatelevels of air, moisture, and temperature. And third is the regular turning of the layers within the compost bin, or of the compost pile. In fact, with the other two factors met, the more the layers are turned, the faster the breakdown into dark brown, fresh-smelling, organic matter-rich humus. The decomposition may take anywhere from just under a month to just under a year.

Why do is see cow manure piles covered with used tires in the country?

The manure piles are being turned into compost. They have plastic tarps over them to speed up this process. The tires do two things, one hold down the tarp, secondly they apply weight to speed up the composting process.

How compost help world environment?

By composting you recycle useful plant parts to the ground. That's what happens in woods, for example, but by collecting floral waste you can speed this process up and make your plants more healthy by putting (digging) compost into the ground. Furthermore the things you compost do not get to the dump, so beside improving your farming method, you decrease the amount of rubbish there.