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Suppose the stream is turning left. The water would prefer to go straight on and so it hits the right bank. This effect cuts away the right bank and deepns the bed there. Now we have the two effects. The faster water tends to go to the deeper side and so the slower water is pushed aside to the shallow left where it slows down even more.

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Q: Why does moving water through a stream move faster near the outside edge of a meander?
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What is the outside of a river bend called?

Because the inside of the meander has deposited rocks and rubble building it up and making the water shallower whereas the outside of ther meander is being eroded by fast moving water.

How many feet are in a meander?

A meander, in general, is a bend in a sinuous watercourse or river. A meander is formed when the moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley.

Where is a meander formed in a river?

Meanders (plural) are formed when a river enters a flat plain. as it slows down. more sediment is dropped at the slow inner edge of a bend, and the faster water at the edge of a bend undermines the bank. Thus the river bends more. eventually the narrow bit at the neck breaks through creating an oxbow lake.

Is a curve made by fast -moving water the erodes the sides of the streama meander?

it is called a meandefill

Does water flow faster moving down a mountain or through a valley?

Down a mountain

Why doesn't a stream meander in mountains?

A stream flowing down a mountain is moving to fast to form meanders.

How is a meander created?

In a river the outside bend flows faster than the inside bend. A river carries objects (rocks, boulders, small grains of sand etc..) and the inside bend drops its load because it does not have enough energy to carry it any further. With the outside bend flowing so fast it erodes (wears away) the bank pushing it backwards creating an okbow lake. When the inside bend keeps dropping its load all of the time it looks like the whole meander has moved to the side!

Why car acceleration decreases as it goes faster?

Air drag. The faster something moves through air, the harder it becomes to overcome the air drag. The faster you go, the more power it takes to speed up. It's very similar to moving through water. Moving slowly, there isn't much resistance. But the more you speed up, the harder it becomes.

Loop like curve in a river or stream?

A curve in a mature or old age river is called a meander and forms when the slightest curve forms and starts to grow larger. This is because on the inside of a curve water moves slower and deposits sediment, and on the outside the exact opposite happpens when faster moving water pounds against the curve making it bigger. In an old age stream when the meanders get big enough the section of river that's curved can actually be cut-off during a flood because water always wants to take the quicker path. The lake that forms when this happens is called and ox-bow lake. It is called this beacue the ox-bow was put on oxen and used to plow fields around the time this kind of lake was named and they had simmilar shapes.

How might this mountain stream be different from a creek winding through a level prairie landscape?

a mountain has faster moving water

Where can a meander can be found?

Meanders are bends in a river or watercourse. Meanders are more likely to be found in slower moving rivers. They often form ox-bows.

Which erodes faster fast or slow moving water in a river?

Fast moving water will erode faster because it is more powerful than slow moving water.