

Why does my mom like cheese?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Because she has good taste.

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Q: Why does my mom like cheese?
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Who eats cheese -?

I eat cheese, some animals like cheese, my dad loves cheese, people like my friends sister who are overly obsessed with cheese, and people who like cheese. also if you like food that has cheese in it, then you would be eating cheese

Why are you eating Grated cheese?

cause my mom didnt buy shredded cheese man :(

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i think you already know the answer imbusol

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Grate the cheese. My mom always adds the grated cheese to cooked macaroni while it is still hot.

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ask your cheese mom

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Your Mom is so old, her school textbooks said the moon was made of cheese.

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Hundreds of years ago.

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He smells like cheese - rotten cheese - so he must like it. His bum smells like cheese. His hair has fleas!!

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broth cheese your mom soup and egg

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Cheese? Butter? Milk? Your mom!!? Jokes

Why do they like cheese burgers?

LOL because they like cheese