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she probably believes that ur a stalker and doesnt want u staring at her

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1mo ago

There could be several reasons why your neighbor keeps their blinds closed all the time. They may value their privacy and prefer to limit visibility into their home, or they might be sensitive to light and prefer a dimmer environment. It's also possible they are trying to regulate the temperature inside their home by reducing sunlight exposure. Ultimately, the reason for keeping the blinds closed could be personal and vary from individual to individual.

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Q: Why does my neighbor keep the blinds closed on every window in the house 24 hours a day the house is occupied?
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What is the action called when you close a window because you notice rain is falling?

Closing the window when rain starts falling is called "shutting the window due to rain" or "closing the window to prevent rain from coming in."

How to deal with a nosy neighbor?

Set boundaries by politely but firmly letting your neighbor know when their actions cross a line. Redirect the conversation or be vague if they ask intrusive questions. Keep interactions brief and avoid sharing personal information to discourage further prying.

What is a nohari window?

A nohari window is the opposite of a johari window, a tool used for self-discovery and understanding relationships with others. In a nohari window, individuals receive feedback on their weaknesses or negative traits from others, helping them identify areas for personal growth and improvement. It can aid in self-awareness and development by shedding light on blind spots or behaviors that may hinder personal or professional relationships.

How do you tell if my neighbor likes me?

Pay attention to their body language when they are around you, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and initiating conversation. They may also make an effort to spend time with you or help you out in small ways. Ultimately, the best way to know for sure is to directly communicate and ask them about their feelings.

What are some aspects of psychoanalytic thought that correspond to the concept in the Johari Window?

Psychoanalytic thought and the Johari Window both involve exploring hidden aspects of the self. The Freudian concept of the unconscious mind can be seen as the "hidden" quadrant in the Johari Window. Similarly, uncovering repressed thoughts, feelings, and memories align with expanding the "unknown" quadrant in the Johari Window. Both frameworks emphasize the importance of introspection and self-discovery for personal growth.

Related questions

Will VELUX fill custom orders for window blinds?

"Velux sells roof window blinds. If you are wanting regular window blinds, no. However, they don't do custom roof window blinds either. They ship what is in stock."

What can I do about my neighbor who stares into my room whenever I leave my blinds open...?

The first thing you could do is politely ask the neighbor to stop staring through your window. If her or she refuses, you could request a police office speak to him or her.

Does Marth Stewart make window blinds?

Yes, Martha Stewart makes window blinds.

Is it acceptable to use blinds on my bathroom window?

It is very acceptable and normal to have blinds on your bathroom window.

What kind of simple machine is window blinds?

a window is a froggy

What window blinds provide UV protection?

Amost alll window blinds provide UV protection.

Do they make African style window blinds?

Yes, there are African style window blinds available to purchase.

Where can one buy blinds for a window in Winnipeg?

Winnipeg offers several places to purchase window blinds in Winnipeg. There is Budget Blinds Winnipeg and Winnipeg Blinds, Shades, and Draperies Automaton.

What are some brands of window blinds that are known for their quality?

Window blinds that are made of wood are typiically of good quality.

How do I install window blinds for my windows? or are two websites that can help you learn how to install window blinds. Be sure to measure the width of the window frame before you buy blinds.

Are Window Shades Better Than Window Blinds?

Window shades are great for blocking out complete light. Blinds have slits where light shines through.

Where can I get some low priced window blinds?

Select Blinds is a great store to check out for window blinds. They have low prices and they offer free shipping and free samples.