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large flightless animals generally cannot cross oceans

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Q: Why does newzealand not have land mammals iguanas land turtles and snakes?
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What is all the animals in Puerto Rico?

Parrots, snakes, turtles, lizards, iguanas, frogs, spiders, batsand mammals

Are snakes or turtles mammals?

No. Snakes and turtles are both reptiles. They have scaly skin and are cold-blooded.

Are snakes Crocodiles and turtles egg laying mammals?

Snakes, crocodiles and turtles are egg laying reptiles. They are not mammals, as they don't suckle their young from their mother's milk.

Are turtles snakes or crocodiles mammals?

No, they are all reptiles.

Do any reptiles live in water?

Sure, there are plenty of water snakes and turtles and even some marine iguanas.

What reptiles lived in the sea?

Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine iguanas all live in the sea and are reptiles.

Can you give me a long list of lizards?

Some lizards include iguanas, geckos, alligators, crocodiles, turtles, tortoises, and snakes.

Do green iguanas have salmonella?

no if they are from petco they dont bc they clean them

Can snakes turn into iguanas?


What kind of predator hunts iguanas?

snakes and of animals eat iguanas.

What animals live in an marsh environment?

frogs, toads, turtles, snakes, mammals and birds and insects is that good enough

Can turtles be trained?

Since snakes do not hear with ears such as mammals and birds have it is very unlikely.