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oxygen is less dense than water thus it rises

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Q: Why does not a balloon full of oxygen float?
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Related questions

What would happen if you were to fill a balloon with oxygen?

First, the balloon would float to the ground. After that, nothing special happens to the balloon because you filled it with oxygen.

What is in the banana that makes the balloon inflate?

In the banana are little pockets of oxygen in the peel that is also how they float!

Does a balloon float or sink on water and why?

a balloon float on water

Why when you explode a balloon full of hydrogen with a balloon full of oxygen do small droplets of liquid form?

because the hydrogen and oxygen react together creating water(the small droplets of liquid)

Would a balloon float longer if it had 100 percent helium or half helium and half oxygen?

100% helium

Why do baloons float in air?

Balloons are full of a gas called 'helium', which is lighter than air. The helium is trapped inside the balloon, that's what makes it float.

Can you make a balloon that float in air?

Fill a balloon part way with helium, make an animal out of it and have it float.

Why can't a hot air balloon float in outer space?

The key word there is float. There is nothing in space for a hot air balloon to float on.

Does a balloon float?


How does heilum make a balloon float?

Heilum combined with the light material of the balloon make it as light as air making it float.

What gases are in a balloons?

Hydrogen or helium are used. As they are lighter than air that's why they float in air when filled in a balloon. Also, sometimes oxygen and carbon dioxide from your lungs, if you blew the balloon up with your mouth.

What happens when you release a balloon on water?

The balloon will either float or pop