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Q: Why does only lion and no other animals kill panthers?
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What are animals that kill other animals for food?

Animals that chase, capture and kill other animals for their food are called carnivores and predators. Examples are: the lion, tiger, cheetah, leopard, bear...

Why don't lions and panthers mate?

Animals do not cross-breed. They mate only with their kind. So, the chances of such an event of a lion mating with a panther is extremely rare or even improbable. A lion will most likely kill a panther if it sees one to cut the competition for food.

What is an animal predator of a lion?

There are no animals other than humans that prey on lions.

Do other animals harm animals?

Yes if it's a lion and a zebra most likely the lion will hurt or hram the animal but mostly the lion will kill the animal the same as other wild cats or maby baers, wolfs ,foxes & dingos will harm or kill littler or larger animals if they can handel them for exampel foxes will eat rabbits littler then the fox but lions mite eat baby girrafs

Do lions get eaten by other animals?

Some animals, if pushed to starvation might...

What is the predator of the lion?

Humans are predators to lions. Lions are the strongest animals in the animal kingdom. Their strength allows them to overpower other animals.

Is a leopard a type lion?

No, but both the lion and the leopard are types of panthers.

Do any animals eat African lions?

Nothing actively hunts the lion, except man as it is at the top of the food chain, however lion cubs may be killed by other lions, and animals like hyenas may scavenge on a dead lion.

Which is most likely to when a panther or a lion in a fight?

Lions are panthers, as well as tigers, leopards, snow leopards and jaguars. All belong to the genus Panthera. The lion would probably be able to take down any other panther except the tiger, which is larger.

Can a lion kill a gorilla?

Of course. Lions can kill almost any animals in Africa.

What animals could kill a lion?

Rhino, Elephant, Hippopotamus, large silverback gorilla, grizzly bear, polar bear, kodiak bear, bull, and crocodile can kill a lion.

What does a lion eat at the zoo?

Other animals