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only lithium is reacting. that is the nature.

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Q: Why does only lithium react with nitrogen and not only other members of group A?
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Why is lithium the least reactive in its group?

Other alkali metals have lower electronegativities.

What group share electrons and form covalent compounds with other elements?

The Nitrogen Group.

Which tab in the properties of a group account is used to view the other groups that are members of this group?


Which element would most likely bond with lithium and form an ionic compound?

Lithium reacts with many non metallic elements; generally it forms ionic compounds. Some examples :- The halogens, forming halide salts, e.g. Lithium chloride Oxygen; forming lithium oxide, Li2O; lithium peroxide Li2O2 Sulfur, forming lithium sulfide, Li2S Nitrogen, forming Li3N Hydrogen; forming LiH (contains the hydride H- ion) Carbon;carbide Li2C2, alkyl lithium compounds e.g. LiCH3

What is the element lithium similar to?

Lithium has similar properties with anything in Group 1 on the periodic table.

What are other names for lithium?

lithium is lithium

What is in phosphorus?

Phosphorus is in the Other Nonmetals or also called the nitrogen group.

Which tab in the properties dialog box of a group account is used to view the other groups that are members of this group?


Between what atoms is a covalent bond most likely to occur calcium and lithium sodium and flourine nitrogen and oxygen helium and argon?

calcium and lithium are both metals and dont form bond with each other. sodium and flourine form ionic compound, sodium fluoride. nitrogen and oxygen form covalent bond in the nitrogen oxides. helium and argon are both nonmetals / noble gases and dont form bond with each other.

Anomalous properties of nitrogen?

Nitrogen differs from the rest of the members of its group due to it's small size, high electronegativity, high ionization enthalpy and non availability of d-orbitals. It has an ability to form p(pi)-p(pi) bonds with itself and hence it is inert at room temperature. Other elements if its group are singly bonded.

What other elements are in the same group as francium?

Alkali metals are: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium.

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