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because the force of myocardial contraction weakens

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Q: Why does pericarditis cause a reduction in cardiac output?
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Related questions

Would an increase in contractility cause an increase to cardiac output?

Yes - an increase in contractility would lead to an increase in stroke volume. An increased stroke volume would cause an increased cardiac output.

Can ankylosing spondylitis cause pericarditis?

It is difficult to say what causes what, but AS can be associated with pericarditis or vice versa.

Are there any positive treatments for pericarditis besides steriods?

The treatment obviously depends of the cause of pericarditis.

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How intrinsic control mechanisms cause cardiac output to increase during exercise?

that means that she wants you

What is the leading cause of pericarditis in young people?

In young adults, pericarditis is usually caused by HIV infection or a trauma injury.

What are possible abnormal results of a pericardiocentesis?

A large volume of pericardial fluid (over 50 ml) indicates pericardial effusion. Fluid analysis can find the cause of pericarditis. The presence of blood indicates bleeding, cardiac rupture or cancer.

Which viruses can cause pericarditis?

Includes those that cause influenza, polio, and rubella (German measles ).

Which inflammatory diseases can cause pericarditis?

Rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus.

What are the most common causes of pericarditis in children?

In children, the most common viruses that cause pericarditis are the adenovirus and the cocksackievirus (which is most likely to affect children during warmer weather).

What is the leading cause of pericarditis in the elderly?

Malignancy or renal failure are the main causes of this disorder in the elderly.

What is a cause of nocturia Decrease in bladder capacity Decrease in cardiac output Decrease in blood supply or Decrease in number of nephrons?

"Decrease in bladder capacity" is definitely correct and probably the answer they are looking for. I would argue that "decrease in cardiac output" and "decrease in number of nephrons" can also do it by causing edema (fluid retention) when the person is upright which is then excreted at night when the person lies down flat.