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Q: Why does petroluem rise above trapped water beneath the cap rock?
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How is water trapped in stratosphere?

Water is trapped beneath the stratosphere by the tropopause. (The tropopause is the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.)

Is there water beneath the crust of earth?

Not liquid water. However some water is trapped in solution in the rocks of earth's mantle.

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They migrate South because their food source becomes trapped beneath frozen water in the North.

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What is a part of a yacht that is under water?

"all boats" have a draft, the part beneath the water. The part above is the freeboard. The part in the water is the Hull.

Why Lincoln navigator leaking water above transmission?

it could be a leak coming from the chamber behind the water pump just beneath the exhaust manifold. too much labor

How far do icebergs go down under water?

Remembering that only about a tenth of any iceberg is above the water, Titanic's berg was about 96 feet above sea level.

Resource trapped between layers of rock in an aquifer?

Water is trapped in aquafers.

Is petroluem jelly water based?

Petroleum jelly is actually derived from petroleum as its name suggests, and by petroleum we mean oil, the kind that comes out of oil wells; water is not involved. It is a hydrocarbon.

How is water trapped beneath the statosphere?

stratospheric circulation is the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the tropical latitudes, which is driven by gravity waves that are convectively generated in the troposphere. The QBO induces a secondary circulation that is important for the global stratospheric transport of tracers, such as ozone or water vapor.

What is entrained water?

it is the water trapped or/and suspended in hydraulic fluid .

What are some ways to repair my bathroom after a bath product leakage?

The main source of water leakage out of a bathroom, which you will likely not be able to prevent, is inside the walls. It's not a good idea to use it in any situation where water can easily get under it, since water can cause it to swell or become trapped beneath it leading to mold