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It doesn't. Your hair is still YOUR hair curly or straight. It is simply a chemical change.

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Q: Why does relaxed hair weigh more than curled hair?
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Why is the best way to stop relaxing hair?

If your hair is relaxed enough, then you don't have to use relaxers any more in it.

Should. Straighten my hair or curl it?

You should get like a finger thick strand and then braid it then do that to the rest of your hair then undo it and then it would be like not curled but like like spinning around that looks really nice

What can you do with your chemically relaxed hair?

Anything you can do as you would with your natural hair, but MUCH more carefully as your hair is already somewhat damaged from relaxing it in the first place.

Do you have to cut your hair to go natural?

No, you do not have to cut your hair. You can simply stop getting relaxers. To avoid a rough transition, though, you should get sew ins until your transition is complete. If your hair is currently relaxed, then you will need to cut off the relaxed parts. You may grow your hair out of about 4-6 months before cutting the relaxed parts, but if you don't cut it, it will soon break off at the demarcation line (the point where the stronger natural hair meets the more fragile relaxed hair)

What distinguishes hair most Caucasians have from hair most black people have?

Most Caucasians have hair that grows downward and is often straight; most blacks have hair that grows upwards and out, and is often more tightly curled.

Why do african americans have nappy hair?

They don't have nappy hair; it is generally more tightly curled than others because of who they are descendant from. Many take care of their hair to prevent it from becoming matted and nappy, which can happen to any hair texture.

What are the benefits of using CHI hair flat irons?

CHI hair flat irons can be used to style your hair to be straighter, more curled, or flipped. It's good for creating shiny hair and has a versatile design that's simple to use.

What the advantages and disadvantages of Relaxed change?

Advantages of getting your hair relaxed is that it will look better and be more manageable, these are short term though. The disadvantage of this change is that you are putting chemicals on your hair that will damage it and in the long term be less manageable until you cut it off.

Do you weigh more after a shower?

Yes. Your hair is wet which adds to your weight.

How do you go from relaxed hair to natural hair without cutting all the relaxed hair off?

What I recommend is that you braid your hair in single plaits (weave) that are not too small (ex: micros) and just keep wearing that style for about a year and a half. Then your hair should be more natural than permed. I did not cut my hair, but my friend who wanted to go natural also, did. Right now I have more hair than her and we both have the same texture hair (kinky). You do not need to cut your hair. Don't rush it. Just stop perming it and wash it every month or so. but if you ??will i

How do do you tell if someone's hair is naturally curly?

well, you could ask them... or guess. generally permed or curled hair has a very uniform look to it where matural curls tend to be more messy and vary in size and tightness of the curl

Perming African American hair?

If you are going to relax or "perm" your hair, please do it carefully. Here is a step by step guide on how to acheive healthy relaxed hair SAFELY! ! If you need even more tips and details on relaxing, see the article "Relaxing 101" on this website: