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In ACT 2 Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo goes to see Friar Laurence because he wants to marry Juliet. In Act 2 scene 2 Romeo exchanged vows of their love. So Juliet told Romeo to tell her where and when they are to be married. She would send a servant to Romeo to find out. Romeo wants to make sure that Friar Laurence can marry them. Friar Laurence said he would marry them, that very day. Hope that helped answer your question!

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12y ago

Juliet sees the Friat sto get him to give her some herbs so it will put her in a coma for 42 hours but then she will wake. She wants to this to trick her family into thinking she is dead, and then Friar will take her out of the tomb and send her off to a different city to live with Romeo

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13y ago

Juliet cannot think of any way out of her problem, that her father insists upon her marrying Paris when she is already married to Romeo. She goes to Friar Lawrence (who married them) for advice.

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12y ago

Juliet has just had a stormy interview with her father in which he has insisted that she marry Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence first because he's one of the few if not the only person outside of her house that she is allowed to see. Second, he knows that she can;'t marry Paris and why. Finally, he has a reputation as a smart guy who can think of another answer apart from Juliet killing herself which is all she can think of.

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14y ago

He goes twice. The first time he goes to set up a time when he can marry Juliet. The second time he is on the lam from having killed Tybalt and is looking for a hiding place.

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He did to ask him to marry Romeo and Juliet

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To go get married to Romeo in Friar Lawrence's cell

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To arrange his wedding.

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Q: Why does romeo go to meet friar Lawrence?
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What does romeo ask friar Laurence to do?

Friar Lawrence wants Romeo to do different things depending on what part of the play you are talking about. When they first meet, the friar tells Romeo to go slowly in his relationship with Juliet (as if!).

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Romeo is to go to Mantua before daybreak, according to Friar Lawrence's advice.

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Juliet is the one who is supposed to go to Friar Laurence's cell to meet Romeo for their secret marriage ceremony.

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================================================================================================================================================================ ANSWER: In Verona, Friar John tells Friar Lawrence that he was unable to deliver his letter to Romeo due to an outbreak of an infection. =================================================================================================================================================================

What message does romeo send to Juliet through the nurse?

Romeo tells the nurse that he is at Friar Lawrence's cell and is waiting to marry her. After that the nurse brings ropes so Romeo can climb up the Balcony so Romeo and Juliet can have their wedding night. ;) (If you catch my drift, Bow-chica-bow-wow)

What causes Friar Lawrence to go to the churchyard?

His message to Romeo was not delivered, so he has to assists Juliet when she wakes.

How do romeo and Juliet carry out their plan of marriage?

Juliet and romeo carry out their plan to be married with the help of the nurse, who cares deeply for Juliet. Friar Lawrence also helps by marrying them both hoping that the marriage would end the feud b/n the families. -Lm hope that helps!

Who does romeo go to immediately after leaving juliet's side?

Romeo and Juliet meet four times in the play: at Capulet's party, in Juliet's backyard, at Friar Lawrence's cell, and in Juliet's bedroom. After meeting Juliet at the party, Romeo leaves alone, ditching his friends, and climbs into Juliet's backyard. After the Balcony Scene, he goes to Friar Lawrence to arrange the wedding. After the wedding he goes and meets Mercutio (and, unexpectedly, Tybalt) After the wedding night, he leaves Verona and goes to Mantua.

How did friar Lawrence plan go wrong?

Friar Lawrence's plan went wrong when the message he sent to Romeo informing him of Juliet's fake death did not reach him in time. This miscommunication led to Romeo believing Juliet was truly dead, causing him to take his own life. Ultimately, Friar Lawrence's plan failed due to poor timing and unforeseen circumstances.

What is importanet message from romeo does the nurse bring to Juliet?

The message from Romeo is to arrange for Juliet to come to Friar Lawrence's cell for their wedding ceremony.

Where does friar lawerence tell romeo to go till things in Verona have settled down?

Friar Lawrence advises Romeo to go to Mantua until things have settled down in Verona. He believes that staying away for a while will help defuse the tension and allow for a better outcome for Romeo and Juliet.

What does Juliet ask friar Lawrence?

She has to get herself to him to get married, and other people will get her to the tomb, where she is to meet Romeo, who will take her to Mantua. Only after Romeo is dead does he suggest that he himself will take her anywhere, when he says he will dispose of her among a sisterhood of holy nuns. Think of how much simpler it would have been for Friar Lawrence to have taken Juliet to Mantua himself, and then have reported to Capulet that she had become a nun.