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Q: Why does rubbing a balloon on your sweater allow for the balloon to stick to wall?
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What type of electricity is produced by rubbing two balloons together?

When you rub a balloon against a sweater it will stick and stay on for a while

Why does a balloon stick to the wall when you rub it on a sweater?

static electricity

What causes a balloon to stick to a wool sweater?

Charged particles

How rubbing the balloon on your hair and your hair will stick onto the balloon?

because she her hair was the negative charged into the balloon which it caused it to stick to the balloon....does that answer your question...

How is the contact different between a balloon and sweater and a balloon and the wall?

Balloons may stick to a knit sweater, but normally the electromagnetic force will oppose it. However, once a balloon is rubbed on a sweater, it can stick to a wall (or other surface) by creating an electrostatic (magnetic) field with the stationary wall.

You watch your friend rub a balloon on their sweater and then stick it to the wall. To investigate, you set up an experiment to test what happens with other objects. What's the test variable in your experiment?

Answer: When you put the balloon on the wall after you rubbed it on the sweater. the balloon would either stick to the wall or repel from the wall depending on what kind of electrons there are on the sweater

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall which demonstrated charge?

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall demonstrating the charge of static electricity. The friction of the rubbing of the balloon causes the charge to build.

How is science related to energy?

Science is related to energy because you can have a balloon and make energy with it,You can do that by rubbing the balloon on the hair and then move the balloon up and the hair will stick up if yo uhave done it correctly.

What will happen to the balloon when you put it against the wall after rubbing it with a wool cloth?

The balloon should have a small static electric charge which is enough to make it stick to the wall for a short time.

What are some fun science experiments to do with children?

Simple experiments to do with children can start with static electricity. Such as rubbing a balloon on hair and seeing the hair stand on end and seeing the balloon stick to an object.

Why clothes dried in cloth dryer tends to stick?

It's -Static Electricity-. When all the moisture is gone, with all the clothes rubbing each other, the friction will create Static. Kinda like rubbing a balloon on your head and putting it on your shirt, it will stick. The drier it is outside the less rubbing it takes and the longer it will last.

Why does a balloon stick to the celing when rubbed?

1. Rubbing the balloon to your hair causes the balloon to "steal" electrons from your hair. 2.The balloon has a buildup of electron so it has a negative charge. your hair has lost electrons so it becomes positively charged. 3.Because opposites attract the negatively charged balloon will stick or if there are enough electrons on the balloon they will try and "Jump" the wall and will make a small zap by:Zimran Reubin