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The one size fits all model in schools is largely due to practical constraints such as limited resources, standardized testing requirements, and the need to manage large numbers of students effectively. While this model aims to provide a broad education for most students, it can be limiting for those who learn differently or have unique needs. Efforts are being made in education to move towards more personalized and differentiated learning approaches to better meet individual student needs.

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Q: Why does school follow a one size fits all model?
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What are factors influence your decision to enter the school you are now attending?

I chose to attend my current school based on its strong academic programs, campus culture, and opportunities for involvement in extracurricular activities. Additionally, the location and size of the school played a significant role in my decision-making process.

What does it mean to say organizational behavior takes contrigency approach in its analysis of behavior?

Organizational behavior using a contingency approach means that it considers that behavior is influenced by various factors such as the situation, environment, and individual characteristics. It recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to understanding and managing behavior in organizations, and that different situations may require different approaches.

What size clothes does a two year old girl wear?

The different places you go, the sizes change. For instance a five year old might have to get a size 7 in order to fit because of the store's sizing. For a 4 year old, generally it is toddler size 4,5, and some cases 6. Make sure it fits well! :)

How much does the average lazy boy recliner cost?

The average price of a Lazy Boy recliner ranges from $500 to $1500, depending on the model and features. Prices may vary based on the material, size, style, and additional functionalities such as massage or heating options.

Do school uniforms not help students grades?

There is no clear evidence that school uniforms have a direct impact on students' grades. Factors such as teacher quality, class size, and educational resources may play a larger role in academic performance. Uniforms may promote a sense of belonging and reduce distractions, which could indirectly benefit students' academic focus and behavior.

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To tell you the truth i don't know why someone wouldn't be able to find a school uniform that fits them. School uniform come in all sizes from XXL to XXS so finding a size that fits shouldn't be a problem. However, if for some strange reason you still are having trouble finding a uniform that fits you'll have to talk to your school principal about that.

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Wiper blade size varies depending on the exact model of the 1970 Ford Pickup. See Sources and Related Links below to look it up by model.

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the answer is yes and no because the king only fits the king size. the quenn mattress size only fits the queen size fits and the small well it only fits the small.

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Ask your doctor what precautions you should follow after surgery. There is no "one size fits all" blanket answer.

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Check out the Related links below. It will show you what fit and where. By year , make, model.

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