

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is the study of both the cognitive and affective human learning processes. The study, which is mostly research through testing, evaluation, and training, allows for greater understanding of individual differences in behavior, personality, and intellect.

95 Questions

What is the golden mean between the extremely easy and extremely difficult student activities Why is this midpoint an effective classroom management practice?

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The golden mean between extremely easy and extremely difficult student activities is when tasks are challenging enough to engage students without overwhelming them. This midpoint is effective in classroom management because it keeps students motivated and focused, leading to increased interest and participation in the learning process. It helps maintain a balanced and engaging learning environment for all students.

What time required in 1 oscillation of pendulum?

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The time required for one complete oscillation (or swing) of a pendulum is known as its period. The period of a simple pendulum depends on its length and the acceleration due to gravity. The formula to calculate the period of a pendulum is T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2).

What two techniques do people use to learn or solve problems in the cognitive approach?

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Two techniques used in the cognitive approach are cognitive restructuring, which involves changing thought patterns to challenge and replace negative beliefs, and problem-solving skills training, which involves teaching individuals strategies to approach and solve problems effectively.

Is there any evidence to suggest that students who are home schooled tend to score lower on social aptitude tests?

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There is limited research on this topic, and findings are mixed. Some studies suggest that home-schooled students may score lower on socialization measures, while others find no significant difference compared to traditionally schooled students. Factors such as individual differences, teaching approach, and social opportunities outside of school can all contribute to social aptitude levels in home-schooled students.

Who launched the cognitive revolution?

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The cognitive revolution was launched by psychologists and researchers in the 1950s and 1960s who sought to understand mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem-solving by exploring the mind as an information-processing system. Key figures in this movement included psychologists such as George Miller, Ulric Neisser, and Jerome Bruner.

Why the process of objectively evaluating comparing analyzing and synthesizing information is called?

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That process is called critical thinking. It involves assessing information in a logical and systematic way to make informed decisions or judgments.

Why The primary focus of educational psychology is to?

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The primary focus of educational psychology is to study how people learn and develop in educational settings. This field explores factors that influence learning, including motivation, intelligence, effective teaching strategies, and student diversity. By understanding these factors, educational psychologists aim to improve educational practices and outcomes.

What happens when you as a teacherdisregard educational goals and mission-vission statements of your institutions?

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Disregarding educational goals and mission-vision statements can lead to a lack of focus, direction, and cohesion within the institution. It may result in a mismatch between what is being taught and what the institution aims to achieve, ultimately leading to confusion among students and staff. This can also hinder overall academic progress and institutional effectiveness.

How do you think Erikson's Industry vs. Inferiority stage could impact or be impacted by children social relationships?

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During Erikson's Industry vs. Inferiority stage, children develop a sense of competence through mastering skills. Positive social relationships can provide support and encouragement, fostering feelings of competence and industry in children. Conversely, negative social interactions or criticism can lead to feelings of inferiority and impact their self-esteem and confidence.

What are the major student development theories?

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Some major student development theories include Chickering's theory of psychosocial development, Perry's theory of intellectual development, Astin's theory of involvement, and Tinto's theory of student departure. These theories focus on understanding how students grow, learn, and develop throughout their college experience.

According to Piaget cognitive development in people is characterized by the principles of what?

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According to Piaget, cognitive development in people is characterized by the principles of assimilation, accommodation, and equilibrium. Assimilation is incorporating new information into existing schemas, accommodation is adjusting existing schemas to fit new information, and equilibrium is the process of balancing assimilation and accommodation to create a stable understanding of the world.

Jessica is six and has begun to talk a lot more and use intuitive rather than logical reasoning. She is in which of Piaget's stages?

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Jessica is likely in Piaget's preoperational stage. Children in this stage typically exhibit increased language skills and engage in intuitive rather than logical reasoning. They are also known for their egocentrism and inability to understand conservation principles.

How will the thinking of Abraham maslow influence your teaching practice in the future?

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How the thinking of abraham maslow influence your practice teaching in the future

Permitting specialized activity in subcultures functions?

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Permitting specialized activities in subcultures can foster creativity, innovation, and a sense of belonging among group members. It allows for the exploration of unique interests and the development of specialized skills within a supportive community. This can lead to the preservation and evolution of cultural traditions, as well as the generation of new ideas that can benefit society as a whole.

What is the perseverance effect Why may we continue with a belief even though we observe evidence to the contrary and nbsp How does this relate to the confirmation bias?

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The perseverance effect refers to the tendency for beliefs to persist even after evidence discrediting them is presented. This can occur due to cognitive biases such as the confirmation bias, where people seek out or interpret information in a way that confirms their preexisting beliefs. In the context of the perseverance effect, the confirmation bias can reinforce and perpetuate false beliefs, leading individuals to ignore contradictory evidence.

Is Passenger Pigeon a proper or common noun?

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"Passenger Pigeon" is a proper noun because it specifically refers to a unique species of pigeon.

How does anti social behaviour affect the community?

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Antisocial behavior can negatively impact the community by creating fear, reducing quality of life, and breaking down social connections. It can lead to increased crime rates, lower property values, and decreased trust among community members. Addressing and preventing antisocial behavior is important for maintaining a safe and cohesive community environment.

What are advantages and disadvantages of fork buffet?

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Advantages of a fork buffet include offering guests a variety of options to choose from, flexibility in portion sizes, and reducing the need for table service. Disadvantages may include potential food wastage if guests take more than they can eat, higher risk of cross-contamination if not properly managed, and the need for continuous replenishment during the event.

Which educational development do you think most important?

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Ensuring access to quality education for all individuals, regardless of background, is crucial. This includes addressing disparities in educational resources, promoting lifelong learning opportunities, and fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment. Additionally, integrating technology and innovation in education to enhance learning outcomes and prepare students for the future is essential.

When was the article the early catastrophe published why would this be important?

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The article "The Early Catastrophe" was published in 2010. This information is important because it allows readers to contextualize the research findings and understand when the study was conducted, helping them gauge the relevance and potential evolution of the discussed issues over time.

What is the benefit of conducting an experiment rather than using a different study?

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Conducting an experiment allows researchers to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables by manipulating one variable and observing the effect on another. This can help determine the impact of specific factors on outcomes. Other study designs may not allow for this level of control and may not provide as strong evidence of causation.

Is it right to break things when angry because it provides some relief for your anger?

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No, it is not right to break things when angry. Engaging in destructive behavior can result in harm to yourself and others, as well as damage to property. It is important to find healthy ways to manage and express anger, such as through communication, physical activity, or relaxation techniques.

Why does school follow a one size fits all model?

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The one size fits all model in schools is largely due to practical constraints such as limited resources, standardized testing requirements, and the need to manage large numbers of students effectively. While this model aims to provide a broad education for most students, it can be limiting for those who learn differently or have unique needs. Efforts are being made in education to move towards more personalized and differentiated learning approaches to better meet individual student needs.

What are examples of the relationship between descriptive and inferential statistics?

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Descriptive statistics summarize and present data, while inferential statistics use sample data to make conclusions about a population. For example, mean and standard deviation are descriptive statistics that describe a dataset, while a t-test is an inferential statistic used to compare means of two groups and make inferences about the population.