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because seniors in high school are the laziest people in the world and want to live with their parents unitl they have to change their parents diapers......ha

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1d ago

Senioritis can affect the brain due to a combination of factors such as changes in motivation, increased stress levels, and a shift in focus away from academic responsibilities. The anticipation of finishing school and entering a new phase of life can also play a role in reducing mental engagement with current academic tasks, leading to symptoms like decreased concentration and effort.

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What is the brain of the plant cell?

The neucleus, but its not really a brain so much as a control center for it.

What happens biologically when you get high?

I am assuming you are talking about marijuana so..... There are cannabinoid receptors in your brain. THC is a cannabinoid which blocks the receptors, causing dopamine to flood your brain. This is why marijuana highs are associated with a general feeling of well-being. THC affects the sensory and reaction pathways in your brain.

How much water does your brain need?

so that it can function properly. your brain is 85% water and if you dont drink lots of water then you will not think straight and you wont function properly

Why blue brain is called blue brain?

some rays may be in blue colors so it is called blue brain

What does ADHD do to your brain cells?

it affects the way people think and percieve things. it doesnt make them stupid most people with ADD are very bright and most people dont kno that. it might be hard for them to understand somethings but when explained another way they will totaly understand it. they just thing differently than other people. People with ADHD have it because of brain abnormalities--they have certain smaller brain structures (such as the prefrontal cortex), delayed activation, less activation in areas that would normally be part of activity (for example, use other parts of the brain rather than the primary structure for a task), and they have impaired neurotransmitter transportation. So signals are really impaired in an ADHD brain, so even though people with ADHD have (on average) above average intelligence, they have a hard time coordinating all those smarts. More cognitively, it affects the way they plan and execute goal oriented tasks (i.e., doing homework, making appointments... getting out the door...). The above person is right, they have to approach things different ways (likely because they are compensating with better functioning brain regions) but they are really intelligent.

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The alcohol affects your brain, and it then makes your reaction slower. It basically relaxes the brain, so when you try to do do something, your brain is almost asleep.

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Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. The brain needs oxygen to function, so the more blood flow, the more oxygen, the better the brain works.

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Because malnutrition affects the brain, and the strength in your body. So if you are malnutrated, then your brain will work slower, and you will feel quite tired, so you will not be able to work properly.

How much do you use your brain?

You use your brain for 100% of your life. When your brain stops functioning, so do you.

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Alcohol affects the brain first, which is where your balance and equilibrium organs reside. So naturally, alcohol makes your balance much worse and can also affect your decision making.

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It can affect it by certain parts of your brain controls your lung movements so if you hit that part it can be fatal by possibly stopping your lungs or any other part.

How a human's brain is different from a dog's brain?

a dogs brain is a brain of a 3 year old so they don't remember as much as we do.

What is the brain of the plant cell?

The neucleus, but its not really a brain so much as a control center for it.