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Q: Why does sexual intercourse hurt female virgins?
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Does it hurt both people when they are virgins?

No it definitely doesnt hurt the male and it may but not necisarily hurt the female.

What cause a woman womb to hurt after sexual intercourse?

A baby

Does it hurt when the female is on top during sexual intercourse?

it depends on delicate/fragile your vagina is. It hurt on mine because mine is fragile if its strong it won't hut most are very delicate like mine!

How do I make sex hurt less?

If you are a female over the age of consent and you have trouble with painful sexual intercourse you may simply have to get a personal lubricant. If this is not the problem then a visit to the doctor may be in order to sort out your problem.

Will your penis hurt inside a vagina?

If penis skin is sensative and irritate when touch it then it will give hurt.Otherwise there nothing to get hurt. One person have to use lubrication before sexual intercourse to make it more easyer.

When you put your penis in her back hole then she has suffer from a pain in her back hole?

Anal intercourse can indeed be painful for the female. Don't repeat the attempt if she gets hurt. If she is badly hurt she will hqve to see a doctor.

Does spoon position hurt the least for virgins?

Yes it doess it feels bomb(:

Does sex hurt if you are 12?

Probably if you haven't ever done anything sexual at all, EVER. And if you're just starting off with intercourse, then it probably will. What ever happened to making out?

Why does your vagiania always produce stuff when you think about sex and stuff?

The Vagina produces stuff in preparation for the insertion of a penis. It is the bodies natural lubricant and makes it so sexual intercourse does not hurt as much.

Is it bad to have sexual intercourse while on your menstrual cycle?

No, there's little reason why sex could hurt during menstruation - except that the cervix can sit lower so be easier to hit, which can cause pain. If you do experience pain then like any other time in your cycle you stop having sex and address the problem.

Does oral sexual activity hurt?

Um... being female, I'm not sure, but if it did, why would guys want them so badly?

Why do the nipples hurt when your partner sucks on them if he does it softly?

Nipples are very soft part of body, there is a no protected organ. At first time when your partner sucking your nipple, there some amount of milky water coming our from them. Ant that is hurting to much also by sexual intercourse you can't stop them to hurt you nipple.