

Why does shock occur in a person?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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to numb pain or loss of blood

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Q: Why does shock occur in a person?
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Why do afterschocks occur?

I'm assuming you know how earthquakes occur and all an aftershock is a smaller earthquake after a larger one. If the "aftershock" is larger than the main shock it is reclassified as the main shock and the previous "main shock" becomes a foreshock.

Who can safely touch the injured person during shock delivery?

Nobody can safely touch the injured person during shock delivery. If anyone does, the shock will be transmitted to that person.

Can you die of shock?

Yes, a person can die of shock. When a person goes into shock they must be taken to a hospital immediately to receive the proper care.

What type of shock is caused by trauma?

Shock occurs due to massive bleeding and pain. Losing an arm will put a person into shock. Trauma will likely kill a person before it puts one into shock.

What will happen if you touch a person while the AED is delivering a shock?

The person touching the victim will also receive an electric shock (not as powerful as the victim but a shock none the less).

Why is it important to stand clear and not touch the person before delivering a shock with an AED?

The AED could pick up the heart rhythm of the person touching the victim and not shock when a shock is required.

Does electric shock occur in space?

An electric shock could occur in space. One thing to keep in mind about electrical shocks is that if the body provides a return path for current to flow then an electrical shock will occur. It does not matter if it is in space or on earth, touching a potential across the output supply on a high voltage system is going to short circuit the supply through you.

Should you use a AED on a person that has a electrical shock injury?

Yes you should use a AED on a person that has a electrical shock injury.

Does insulin shock occur quickly?

yes because i have diabetes and it may drop quickly

Which is not typical of a person in shock?

Reddish skin

How will you help an injured person?

Treat them for shock.