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Q: Why does small doses of ionizing radiation over a long period of time cause less damage?
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Why is ionizing radiation dangerous?

Ionizing radiation by definition is radiation with a high enough energy to remove electrons from their orbits. This is dangerous because it emits x-rays, damages tissue, can cause long term damage like cancer, and heats things up.

What are the dangers of neutron radiation?

Neutron radiation is as dangerous as any other ionizing radiation, if not more dangerous,as by some sources, it can be as many as ten times more dangerous as other ionizing radiation. It is not directly ionizing radiation, since neutrons do not hold electric charge, but they interact (collide) with nuclei in it's path, creating isotopes, most of the time non-sable, radioactive isotopes. That is why neutron radiation induces a secondary radiation in the material it passes through. The penetration of neutron flux is rather strong, and is not affected by the shield density, as is the case with gamma radiation, but rather by a material rich with Hydrogen (deuterium) atoms, since H atoms contain one single proton/neutron, and the collision physics slow down the neutrons in this matter most efficiently. Therefore, heavy water, plexiglass, plastics and similar materials are used as an effective shield in neutron radiation protection.

Which forms of nuclear radiation are capable of ionizing matter?

Ionizing radiation consists of subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that are energetic enough to detach electrons from atoms or molecules, ionizing them. The occurrence of ionization depends on the energy of the impinging individual particles or waves, and not on their number. An intense flood of particles or waves will not cause ionization if these particles or waves do not carry enough energy to be ionizing. Roughly speaking, particles or photons with energies above a few electron volts (eV) are ionizing. Examples of ionizing particles are energetic alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons. The ability of electromagnetic waves (photons) to ionize an atom or molecule depends on their wavelength. Radiation on the short wavelength end of the electromagnetic spectrum - ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays - is ionizing.

What is meant by ionising radiation?

See the Wikipedia article 'Ionising Radiation' of which this is the introduction. Ionizing radiation consists of subatomic particles or waves that are energetic enough to detach (ionize) electrons from atoms or molecules. Ionizing ability depends on the energy of the impinging individual particles or waves, and not on their number. A large flood of particles or waves will not cause ionization if these particles or waves do not carry enough energy to be ionizing. Examples of ionizing particles are energetic alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons. The ability of electromagnetic waves (photons) to ionize an atom or molecule depends on their wavelength. Radiation on the short wavelength end of the electromagnetic spectrum - ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays - is ionizing.

Which type of radiation can cause the most damage to the cells in the body?

The strongest type of radiation of course.

Related questions

Does removing body hair with laser cause cancer?

No. Laser hair removal uses non-ionizing radiation (which means it doesn't damage DNA) so it can't cause cancer. We're surrounded by ionizing radiation every day. Other examples of non-ionizing radiation include visible light and radio waves.

What could exposure to ionizing radiation cause?

it will cause severe skin cancer, lung damage, asthma and skin burns. it will also cause pregnancy disasters!!

Why is ionizing radiation dangerous?

Ionizing radiation by definition is radiation with a high enough energy to remove electrons from their orbits. This is dangerous because it emits x-rays, damages tissue, can cause long term damage like cancer, and heats things up.

Why do workers work far from the source of radiation?

Ionizing radiation can cause cancer.

What is the result and effect of rhamphant bombing?

Most damage comes from the explosive blast and then thermal radiation, prompt ionizing radiation are produced and cause significant destruction within seconds or minutes of a nuclear detonation.

Can Titan 11 nuclear warheads cause ionizing radiation?

Yes, the Titan 11 warheads can cause ionizing radiation. They fall under the category of nuclear weapons which have an adverse effect to the health of human beings.?æ

What types of radiation can cause cancer?

Ionizing radiation in the form of Gamma and X-Rays are hazardous to biologic organisms.

How much radiation is emitted from a MRI scan?

None. By radiation, we're referring to ionizing radiation, or radiation with high enough energy to cause molecular damage, or possibly DNA damage. Radiation therapy, CT scan, Nuclear scans and X-rays all use ionizing radiation. MRI uses magnetic fields to induce electric currents, and employs radiofrequeny waves ( a type of electromagnetic radiation) that is not ionizing radiation. It is a form of energy, and thus metal objects, and even metal in tattoos can heat up and cause burns.

What are the dangers to patients and personnel from ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation can disrupt biological processes within cells. It can cause cellular mutation or cellular damage, and can even kill a cell. This potential requires we consider shielding personnel from the radiation. As to a patient, that individual is being exposed to the radiation as part of an imaging or treatment plan, and a specialist will be on hand to insure that only the required or prescribed exposure is administered, and radiation protection, perhaps in the form of shielding blankets, is placed if needed over areas adjacent to the site the radiation is to be directed.

How does radioactivity spread cancer?

There is no doubt that ionizing radiation can and does cause cancer in humans. Radioactive atoms produce ionizing radiation when they decay and most carcinogens contain some radioactive atoms. This paper presents the case that many cancers are ultimately caused by the ionizing radiation resulting from radioactive decay. This proposition is supported by the observation that the histology of cancers known to be caused by radiation are indistinguishable from the histology of cancers currently not considered to be related to radiation.

Cancer and related diseases are caused due to primary radiation or secondary radiation or non ionization radiation or ionization radiation?

Cancers are caused by uncontrolled growth of tissue. Most commonly caused by environmental chemicals. Or fine fibres such as Asbestos or very fine glass. Ionizing radiation can cause cancers IF the damage it does then goes on to produce an unwanted growth of tissue.

How can working with X-rays cause cancer?

Radiation is the emission (sending out) of energy from any source. The light that comes from the sun is a source of radiation, as is the heat that is constantly coming off our bodies. When talking about radiation, however, most people think of specific kinds of radiation such as that produced by radioactive materials or nuclear reactions. Most forms of radiation have not been linked to cancer. Only high frequency radiation (ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation) has been proven to cause genetic damage, which can lead to cancer. One type of molecule that is sensitive to ionizing radiation is DNA, the part of the cell that contains the genes (blueprints) for each person's characteristics. Ionizing radiation can lead to a mutation (change) in a cell's DNA, which could contribute to cancer, or to the death of the cell. All cells in the body can be damaged by ionizing radiation. The amount of damage is related to the dose of radiation received by the cell. While the process of cellular change from radiation takes only a fraction of a second, other changes such as the beginning of cancer may take years to develop.