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Q: Why does smaller object have more density than bigger object?
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What is volume weight and density?

volume is how much space is in an object (an object with more volume would be bigger) weight is how heavy an object feels due to gravity (an object with more weight would be harder to lift) density is how much matter is in an amount of space (an object with more density would weigh as much as an object with less density but in a smaller space/volume)

Does the density of an object depend on its size?

The density of an object is directly correlated with the amount of mass contained in the object. For example, a small object containing a large amount of mass has more density than a larger object with a smaller amount of mass.

How can you make shadow bigger?

If you put your object further backwards your shadow will become bigger but if you put your object more forwards your shadow will become smaller!

What will cause a change in mass of an object?

Mass can only be changed if a something loses or gains a bit more stuff, the object has to get bigger or smaller.

Is density a property of an object or a property of the substance the object or a property of the substance the object is made of?

Density (or more properly Relative Density) is an elemental property. An object made from one or more elements will have a density related to the density of the elements.

Why does a substance with more density float on top of a substance with more density?

the object with less density rises to the top of the object

Does weight or density play a huge role in determining whether or not an object will break surface tension?

Density plays a bigger role.

What is the relationship with a floating object and density?

The density of an object is related to the density of the fluid it is in because if the density of the object is less than the fluid than it will float. If this density of the object is greater than the density of the fluid it will sink to the bottom.

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An object with high volume and low mass has?

1. It has more gravitational force exerted on other objects 2. It holds more energy than smaller objects

Whether an object will sink or float?

To know this you first need to find the density of the object and the density of the fluid on which the the object shall be kept. If the density of the fluid is more than the object's density then the object will float. The object will sink if the reverse happens.

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