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Q: Why does society make receiving stolen property a crime?
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What does possession of proceeds of crime mean?

You were found to be in possession of stolen property. It's also known in other jurisictions as "Receiving Stolen Property."

As a passenenger in a vehilce can I be charged with receiving stolen property for the stolen property found in the trunk of the vehicle I was riding?

No, although it would be a "stretch" for authorities they might be able to charge the passenger as an accessory to a crime if the person knew about the theft and the stolen property being transported in the vehicle they were riding in. Receiving stolen property means the person accepting the items was aware of the fact that those items were not the lawful property of the presenter and were obtained during the commission of a crime.

Is receiving 3000 in stolen property in NJ a felony?

Yes, that dollar amount would constitute a felony crime.

Can a passenger be charged with felony receiving property in a stolen vehicle?

Anyone that is in a vehicle can be charged or held responsible for what ever crime has occurred.

Can you go to jail if you buy a stolen car?

Yes. Receiving stolen goods is a crime.

What is Attempted RSP in felony law terms?

Attempted RSP refers to the crime of attempting to commit the offense of Robbery, Sexual assault, or Property Crime. It involves taking a substantial step towards committing the crime but ultimately not completing it.

Is receiving stolen property in NJ a felony?

Yes. People who "receive stolen property" and then re-sell it are commonly known as "fences," but the charge could also apply to persons who knowingly purchase property they know is stolen, for their own use. The value of the porperty MAY have a bearing on whether the crime is charged as a felony or a misdemeanor.

What happens if Im charged with receiving stolen propery while being on probation?

That depends on if you are convicted. If convicted you will go to prison, serve your sentence for the stolen property as well as finishing your total sentence for the original crime.

If you sell someone stolen property but you are not the original thief what crime is that?

If you sell someone stolen property that you did not steal yourself, you could be charged with the crime of receiving stolen property, which involves knowingly accepting, buying, or selling stolen goods. This offense can be prosecuted as a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the value of the stolen property and the laws of the jurisdiction where the crime occurred.

What happens if you purchase a stolen motorcycle?

This is called theft by receiving. The penalties for this felony crime are the same as if you stole the bike yourself. You are responsible for making sure you are not purchasing stolen items, therefore the theft by receiving charges.

How can you beat a stolen property charge?

By not doing the crime is probably the best method.

What is a Receiver of stolen property?

ADDED: It is one who knowingly "comes into the possession of," purchases, holds, or "receives" property which they know to be stolen. They can be charged as "accessories' to the crime but R.S.P. is usually chargeable under its own statute as a separate offense An accessory after the fact?