

Why does soda burst?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: Why does soda burst?
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Why do sodas burst?

Soda bursts, because it has carbonation and its trying to escape when you open it, with makes it burst when you shake it after opening it

What is another word for popping?

Soda. Burst. Dad, Daddy, Father.

What is the smoke when you open a can of soda?

It is water droplets expelled into the air as the CO2 bubbles burst in their first rush.

What happens when baking soda and an acid are combined?

they fizz and foam. or, if this is done in a closed container, it can cause the container to burst.

What cold temp will a soda burst?

Freezing Point, I tried it in the freezer with Sierra Mist, and it burt and was in cyrstal spikes.

How do you eplode a bottle?

Because the water in the soda expands when it freezes, and the plastic bottle can only stretch so far before it bursts. Soda cans burst, too, but it usually comes out through the 'easy open' top. This is an answer aaron to why does soda explode in a cold plastic bottle...

Is salt good to put in your bath water?

No,because you never no when it might explode or burst.

What is the simple past and past participle of burst?

The simple past of burst is "burst" and the past participle is also "burst."

Past participle for burst?

The past participle for "burst" is "burst."

What is past tense of burst?

The past tense of "burst" is "burst."

What is the past tense and past participle of burst?

The past tense of "burst" is "burst" and the past participle is also "burst".

What is the past and past participle of burst?

The past tense of burst is burst. The past participle of burst is also burst.