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because the sun shifts and the earth is at an angel

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Q: Why does temperature vary in earth's temperature zones?
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Is hard boiled egg a good model of the earths different zones?

Yes it is a good model for the earths dfferent zones

What is the responsible for setting up the differences between the tropical temperature and polar zones?

Earth's tilt

Which spheres are zones of earths spheres?

Stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere . :)

How were time zones designed?

because of the earths rotation and revolution.

How does temperature of earths crust compare to the temperature of earths interior?

it depends on the deepth

Earths three main climate zones?

Earth has three main climate zones. These climate zones are the polar zone, the tropical zone, and the temperate zone.

Earths air temperature vary greatly during the day while its ocean temperature varies only slightly?

The atmosphere has lower heat capacity

What are the three names of the earths zones?

north pole and south pole

Which continents that's spread across the three temperature zones?

Whichcontinents that's spread across the three temperature zones

What zones do the temperature seldomly rise above freezing?

The arctic and antarctic zones

What does not affect earths climate zones?

Well, an example of something that does not affect earth's climate zones would be a piece of lint on your carpet

In which temperature zones does the atmospheric temperature increase as the distance above sea level increases?

The temperature zones in which the atmospheric temperature increases as the distance above sea level increases are the stratosphere and the thermosphere.