

Why does tension affect wave speed?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Why does tension affect wave speed?
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How does changing the frequency affect the wave speed?

The speed of a wave doesn't depend on its frequency.

Does the amplitude affect on the wavelength or wave speed?

No, the amplitude of a wave does not affect the wavelength or wave speed. The wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave, while the wave speed is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling. Amplitude simply represents the maximum displacement of particles in the wave.

Does the speed of the wave change when you increase the tension of the spring?

No. The speed of sound is dependent on air pressure and temperature.

What wave property affects the speed of a wave?

Both the wavelength and the frequency of a wave affect the speed of a wave.

How does increasing the wave speed affect the frequency?

Assuming a constant wavelength, then increasing the wave speed will increase the frequency.

How does the frequency of a sound wave affect the speed at which the sound wave moves?

Frequency and speed of propagation of the wave are independent of one another. The medium determines the speed of propagation.

What are the three features of a sound wave?

1) Sound wave always require material medium for their propogation. 2)Sound wave are type of transvers wave. 3)Speed of sound wave can be calculated by speed=sqrt(tension*length of wire/massof wire)

What affect the speed of sound in a stretched string?

The velocity, v, of a wave in a taut string is dependant on the tension in the string, T, and the mass distribution (or mass per length ratio), μ.v2 = T/μ

Why the wave length does not affect the wave speed?

Because it only resembles the wavelength, the speed is how fast the wave travels. two waves of the same size can travel at the same speed Wave speed is affected by a combination of wavelength and frequency, not just one alone.

Does the frequency or wavelength of the wave affect its speed?

The speed of a wave depends only on the mechanical or electrical characteristics of the medium or environment through which the wave propagates. It doesn't depend on the wave's frequency or wavelength.

How does water depth affect wave speed?

If the dept of the water is high the wave is basically moving water over water as a result, that the friction between the waves is less. Due to those facts the wave speed in deep water is greater than in shallow water. In shallow water the waves in the water have a frictional drag at the bottom of the tray. Therefore, the waves speed it lower than in deeper water.