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Q: Why does tha refracted light bends towards the base of prism?
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Which wavelength of visible light bends the most when refracted by a prism?

When light passes through a prism, the angle of deviation of any light beam is inversely proportional to its wavelengh. Since, violet color has least wave length, it bends the most and the red bends the least.Dhirender Sharma

How will you compare prism to raindrops?

Light is refracted and reflected by a (glass) prism Light is refracted and reflected by a raindrop

Which colour bends the most when white light is passed through a prism?

The violet colour will be refracted the most, it has a shorter wave length and a higher frequency. The red light will be refracted the least, with its longer wave length and lower frequency.

Which colour bends the least when light passes through prism?

The longer the wavelength the less the light will be 'bent' by a prism. Wavelengths get longer towards the red end of the spectrum.

What bends white light?


How does incident light emerge from a prism?

Incident light hits a prism, refracted or reflected light emerges from it. In what manner it is different from the incident light depends on the angle of incidence and the angles of the prism. Commonly it may be refracted, dispersed or reflected back.

What bends light rays?

A prism bends light rays. White light is made up of many different wave lengths of light. A prism bends each wave length a different amount, that is why different colors are produced from the output side of a prism.

Which light is deviated most and which light deviated least when a ray of white light passes through a prism?

Red is refracted most and violet is refracted the least when white light passes through a prism.

When you look through a prism you don't see what is directly in front of you why?

because the prism bends the light

What color is least bent by a prism?

Red light is refracted the least by a prism as it has the longest wavelength.

What and is refraction?

Reflection: light bounces off of a surface, like a mirror.Refraction: light goes through a substance and bends. For example, white light through a prism comes out in a rainbow because the light is refracted or bent and each color has a different index of refraction.

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