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Generally because the warm Gulf Stream is bringing warmer water from the East Coast of North America and keeps the Atlantic coast of Ireland and Great Britain warmer than it would otherwise be.

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Q: Why does the UK have mild winters?
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How are mild winters and severe winters similar?

they both have snowflakes

What is the climte of the UK?

Because the United Kingdom is an island,this keeps summers warm and wet and winters generally mild and well..WET.

What are winters like in Russia?

winters in russia are long and cold winters!!!!

What was mild winters like for ancient Romans?

Rome is in the Mediterranean and therefore has a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summer and short, mild and wet winters.

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All of the states in the western hemisphere.

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What is the climate in Cornwall?

Cornwall has a mild and temperate climate due to its location in the southern part of the UK and its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. Winters are mild with temperatures rarely dropping below freezing, while summers are warm but not excessively hot. The region also experiences high levels of rainfall throughout the year.

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it is warm in the summer with mild winters.

What climate is Oklahoma?

Mild Winters to Hotter Summers

What was the Eastern Woodlands climate?

Hot, humid summers and mild winters

How do climate vary between the four subregions of Europe?

Northern Europe: Cool to mild summers, freezing to cold winters. [Subarctic Climate] Eastern Europe: Hot summers, cold winters [Continental Climate] Southern Europe: Hot summers, mild winters [Mediterranean Climate] Western Europe: Warm summers, mild winters [Oceanic Climate]

What is Virginia's climate?

Mild winters and hot, humid summers.