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Q: Why does the aquatic warbler have its name?
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What is an aquatic warbler?

An aquatic warbler is a small bird of the warbler family, Latin name Acrocephalus paludicola.

Bird with letter a?

Avocet, Arctic Turn, Aquatic Warbler.

What is a Blackburnian warbler?

A Blackburnian warbler is a small New World warbler, Latin name Setophaga fusca.

What is riker lynchs warbler name?

Jeff :)

What is a yellow warbler?

A yellow warbler is a yellow songbird found on the American continent, wtih the Latin name Dendroica petechia.

What is the name of a small songbird that begins with the letter p?

Small song birds whose name begins with a "p": pipit, phainopepia, or pyrrhuloxia. Do things Prothonotria warbler or Pine warbler count?

What are facts about the golden-cheeked warbler?

Its scientific name is: Dendroica chrysoparia

What is a yellowbird?

A yellowbird is an alternative name for the yellow warbler, or the American goldfinch.

What is the longest living birds name?

Middendorff's Grasshopper-Warbler

What is a black and white warbler?

A black and white warbler is a small North American bird, Latin name Mniotilta varia, which winters in Florida and Central America.

Why is the Connecticut warbler called the Connecticut warbler?

It is called the Connecticut Warbler because the first specimen was collected in Connecticut and it's a type of warbler.

What bird has a red breast with a white head?

Canary, goldfinch, yellow warbler, prothonotary warbler, Wilson's warbler, Bachman's warbler, prairie warbler, pine warbler, western tanager, common yellowthroat, yellow breasted chat. Many warbler specie's plumage contain yellow to some degree.