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The beast speaking in the voice of a schoolmaster symbolizes the boys' fear of authority and the loss of innocence on the island. It reflects how their civilized upbringing and societal norms are being eroded as they descend into savagery and primal instincts. The schoolmaster's voice is a manifestation of the boys' internal struggles and the blurred line between reality and the darkness within themselves.

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Q: Why does the beast talk in the voice of a schoolmaster lord of the flies?
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What does the voice of the schoolmaster represent in the Lord of the Flies novel?

Saying that the Lord of the Flies speakes in 'the voice of a schoolmaster' shows that Simon is still thinking of home, but more importantky that the boys are following the Lord of the Flies rules on the island in the same way they would the schoolmaster back in England.

Who is the beast in Lord of the Flies?

The pilot

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the beast in lord of the flies is parachutist who got entangled in the tree branches

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The beast has several names already in the book Lord of the Flies. It is initially referred to as a snake-thing or beastie. Later during his internalised conversation the beast is named as the Lord of the Flies. Finally the real nature of the beast is revealed as the darkness in the hearts of men.

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The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

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Simon was mistaken for the beast in "Lord of the Flies". He was killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance on the beach.

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How do you know if there is a beast from lord of the flies?

By reading the book

Who is described as lord?

Lord Of The Flies, it is the head of the pig offered as a sacrifice to the beast.

In Lord of the Flies what does Simon discover about the ape-like beast?

Simon is an epileptic and during an epileptic fugue he has an internalised conversation with the evil which he knows dwells within us all. He mentally projects this inner beast onto the pig's head on a stick which Jack has left as an offering for the imagined beast.

What page is the beast spoken of in lord of the flies?

page 93

Who is the first to mistake the paratrooper for the beast in Lord of the flies?

sam does