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Maybe god was a little bit gay and every so fashion forward.

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Q: Why does the bible condemn mixed fibers?
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Does the Bible condemn gambling?

No, it does not.Some say it contradicts the 'Christian way of life', but there is most definitely nothing specifically condemning gambling.

What is Bible version of creation compare Greek version?

The Bible view is true and the Greek view is false. There is always some mixed truth in a lie, but why go to a lie when you have the truth before you?

How many times is woe used in the bible?

Many, many, many times. In what context are you looking for it in? There are times it is used to prophecy and others to condemn, so not always is knowing how many times a particular word used very useful.

What does reproved means in john3 and 20?

To "detect" or in this context it can double as "condemn".

How many times is curse words in the bible?

The Bible does not contain what we know now as "curse words." Cursing at the time of the Bible usually meant placing a curse on someone, not saying a certain word that isn't polite to say. The word "damn," for instance, is used in the Bible, but it has now lost much of its original meaning, which was to condemn someone to hell, and is now thought of by many people as a bad word in itself. The only instance I know of in the Bible that might possibly be similar to our use of "curse words" is in Matthew 26:73, 74: And after a while came unto [him] they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art [one] of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and to swear, [saying], I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.

Related questions

Why does the Bible condemn beliefs in spirits?

The Bible doesn't condemn a belief in spirits, however, it does condemn interacting with them, consulting them (as a psychic or seer might do).

Are man-made fibers mixed with natural fibers?

yes natural fibres and man made are mixed together.Cotton and Polyester are prime examples of mixed fibres( Cotton= man made Polyester= Natural )

What is condemn in Christ?

Thank God that Christ did not come to condemn us, as the Bible says: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3.17) But he will judge us all, as Peter told Cornelius and his friends, (Acts 10.42)

What fibers can be mixed with Cotton?

Cotton can be mixed with fibers such as polyester, spandex, linen, rayon, and wool to create blended fabrics with various properties like increased durability, stretch, breathability, and softness. Mixing cotton with other fibers can enhance the overall performance and quality of the fabric.

What do the mixed cranial nerves containing both motor and sensory fibers include?


Does the Bible condemn gambling?

No, it does not.Some say it contradicts the 'Christian way of life', but there is most definitely nothing specifically condemning gambling.

Where can both sensory and motor fibers be found together?

Mixed nerves like the spinal nerves have both sensory afferents and motor efferents.

Does a mixed nerve contain both sensory and motor neurons?

Yes, "Mixed nerves" of the peripheral nervous system contain both sensory and motor fibers

Which type of plastic material can have high strength as-well as high toughness?

Polycarbonate mixed with fiberglass fibers.

Does the bible say Egypt is a bad place?

No, the Bible does not categorically say that Egypt is a bad place. Egypt is mentioned in various contexts in the Bible, both positive and negative, but it does not condemn the country as a whole.

What is sentence for condemn?

We have to strongly condemn his autocratic rule.The world leaders will strongly condemn any such attack.

Is condemn a verb or noun or both?

Condemn is a verb.